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    Semana de 09 a 16 de outubro de 2017


    New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models
    Data:30 de outubro a 3 de novembro de 2017, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
    Fonte: Prof. Helcio R. B. Orlande(COPPE/UFRJ)


    We invite you to participate in the Conference "New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models". The Conference is sponsored by IMPA, CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ, Institut Français – Brésil, Consulat Général de France à Rio de Janeiro and CNRS – Brésil.
    In addition to the Conference, the Thematic Program of IMPA (National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics), which is entitled "Parameter Identification in Mathematical Models: Applications to PDE's and Integral Equations", includes the following Mini-Courses:
    Mini-Course 01: Johann Baumeister (Frankfurt University, Germany)
    Title: Iterative regularization methods for parameter identification
    Lectures: 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13/Oct (from 16:00 to 17:30)
    Mini-Course 02: Bernd Hofmann (TU Chemnitz, Germany)
    Title: Regularization methods in Banach spaces
    Lectures: 19, 24, 26/Oct (from 17:30 to 18:00)
    Mini-Course 03: Uri Ascher (British Columbia, Canada)
    Title: Computational methods in applied inverse problems
    Lectures: 17, 19, 24, 26/Oct (from 16:00 to 17:30)
    Mini-Course 04: Samuli Siltanen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
    Title: Reconstruction methods for sparse-data X-ray tomography
    Lectures: 24, 26, 27/Oct (from 14:00 to 15:30)
    Mini-Course 05: Ville Kolehmainen (University of Eastern Finland)
    Title: Solution of Inverse Problems within the Bayesian Framework of Statistics
    Lectures: 6, 7, 8/Nov (from 14:00 to 16:00)
    Mini-Course 06: Philippe Le-Masson (Universite de Bretagne-Sud, France)
    Title: Thermal Characterization of Materials at High-Temperatures: Design of Experiment and Multiphysics Inverse Analysis
    Lectures: 6, 7/Nov (from 9:00 to 12:00)
    Mini-Course 07: Wellington Betencurte and Julio Dutra (Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil)
    Title: Particle Filters
    Lectures: 9, 10/Nov (from 10:00 to 12:00)
    Mini-Course 08: Diego Estumano (Federal University of Para, Brazil)
    Title: ABC - Approximate Bayesian Computation
    Lectures: 9, 10/Nov (from 14:00 to 16:00)
    Mini-Course 09: Henrique Fonseca and Cesar Pacheco (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
    Title: Kalman Filter
    Lectures: 8/Nov (from 9:00 to 12:00)
    The participation of students in the Conference and Mini-courses is highly encouraged. The student registration is free and informal poster (free format) sessions will be organized during the Conference, where the students will be able to present their research works and interact with all participants. Selected papers will be invited for a special number of the journal Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering dedicated to the Conference. The conference website (http://mtm.ufsc.br/~aleitao/public/impa-pt2017/index-meetings.html) is being updated to include the conference and the mini-courses programs.
    We are looking forward to seeing you in Rio de Janeiro and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


    Escola de Mecânica dos Fluidos Ambiental
    Data: 8 a 12 de janeiro de 2018 – Universidade Federal Mato Grosso do Sul – Campo Grande 
    Fonte: Prof. Johannes Gerson Janzen (UFMS)


    We cordially invite you to participate in the “2018 Gerhard Jirka Summer School Environmental Fluid Mechanics” – a 5-day training course. The summer school will be held at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Campo Grande, Brazil. The courses will comprise of both lectures and hands-on practical sessions. The Summer School will start on Monday January 8th and end on Friday January 12th of 2018.
    The School is a signature IAHR event that was founded and energized by the late Professor Gerhard Jirka, with a vision to bring together renowned experts and top graduate students from around the world for a unique, interactive learning experience in environmental fluid mechanics. The summer school features nine researchers of name and fame, each of whom will give lectures on topical environmental fluid mechanics subjects. The goal is to convey a broad spectrum of environmental fluid mechanics subjects, including vegetated flow dynamics and wetlands, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), modelling of extreme flow events in hydraulic systems, leakage and intrusion flows through leak openings in pipes, mass transfer through air-water interface, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), buoyant jets and plumes and stratified flows, and sediment transport.
    The course is intended for upper level or postgraduate students (M.Sc. or Ph.D. candidates), engineers and scientists in industry, government or research institutions involved in environmental engineering, planning or impact prediction.
     For more information, visit http://gjss-2018.weebly.com/


    6º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Biomecânica (ENEBI 2018)
    Data: 08 a 11 de maio de 2018 - Águas de Lindóia/SP
    Fonte: Prof. Adriano Siqueira (EESC-USP)


    O Comitê Organizador tem o prazer de convidar todos os pesquisadores da área para o 6º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Biomecânica (ENEBI 2018), a ser realizado de 8 a 11 de maio de 2018, no Hotel Majestic, na cidade de Águas de Lindóia, São Paulo.
    O ENEBI é uma iniciativa do Comitê de Bioengenharia da ABCM em parceria com a Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos/USP e o Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer (Núcleo de Tecnologias Tridimensionais/CTI) para promover a integração e a troca de experiências entre os grupos que atuam nesta área no Brasil. Nessa edição de 2018, o evento também contará com o apoio da UNICAMP, da Sociedade Brasileira de Biomecânica e do IEEE South Brazil RAS Chapter.
    Datas importantes:
    10 de novembro de 2017: Submissão do trabalho completo
    10 de fevereiro de 2018: Aprovação do trabalho completo
    10 de março de 2018: Submissão do trabalho final
    Até 10 de março de 2018: Pagamento da taxa de inscrição com desconto
     Website: https://eventos.abcm.org.br/enebi2018/
     Facebook: www.facebook.com/enebi2018/



    Concurso Público de Provas e Títulos para provimento de 60 (sessenta) vagas para o cargo efetivo de Professor para a Carreira do Magistério Superior- ITA
    Data até 31 de outubro
    Fonta: Profa Katia Lucchesi Cavalca Dedini (UNICAMP)


    O REITOR DO INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO DE AERONÁUTICA, ITA, no uso de suas atribuições torna público a abertura de inscrições para o Concurso Público de Provas e Títulos para provimento de 60 (sessenta) vagas para o cargo efetivo de Professor para a Carreira do Magistério Superior, da lotação do Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica.
    As inscrições estarão abertas de 02 de outubro de 2017 até 31 de outubro de 2017, podendo ser realizadas presencialmente no horário das 8 às 11 horas e das 14 às 17 horas, diariamente, exceto feriados ou dias em que não haja expediente no ITA, na Sala da Vice-Reitoria do ITA - sala 2037, por via postal ou internet. 
    O Edital do Concurso contendo os campos de conhecimento e as áreas de especialização, informações sobre a realização das provas e as demais informações pertinentes aos concursos; a ficha de inscrição e outros documentos e/ou informações; podem ser acessados no final desta página.
    Qualquer dúvida pode ser dirimida fazendo contato com a Comissão Especial de Concursos 2017 pelo e-mail: concursos2017@ita.br


    Fonte: Prof. Marco Jose da Silva (UTFPR)


    O projeto da União Europeia TOMOCON (Smart Tomographic Sensors for Advanced Industrial Process Control) está atualmente com 15 vagas para doutoramento com financiamento integral em diversos países da Europa nas áreas de engenharia elétrica, mecânica e química. Para maiores informações e editais das vagas http://www.tomocon.eu/
    O contato no Brasil para maiores esclarecimentos é o Prof. Marco Jose da Silva da UTFPR mdasilva@utfpr.edu.br , parceiro associado do projeto financiado pela União Europeia no âmbito das ações Marie Skłodowska-Curie.



    ICAS Workshop elaborates on Intelligent and Autonomous Engineering in Aeronautics
    Fonte: Prof. João Luiz Azevedo(DCTA/IAE/ALA)


    The ICAS biennial workshop was part of the ICAS Programme Committee (PC) Meeting held from 10 to 14 September 2017 in Winterthur, Switzerland. It was co-hosted by the Swiss ICAS Member, the Swiss Association of Aeronautical Sciences (SVFW). Dr. Shinji Suzuki of the University of Tokyo and PC Chair of ICAS, led this workshop participated by invited leaders and experts in the topic area from around the world.
    Authorized briefings made by the presenters are available at www.icas.org.
    The workshop kicked off with a welcome message: “We are on the cusp of the third aerospace revolution, one with urban drones and industrial digitalization, enabled by emerging technologies in intelligent and autonomous engineering. This workshop takes full advantage of the unique PC group of over 70 representatives from the world-wide aeronautics communities by inviting the thought leaders and experts in the emerging technologies to share their ideas, theoretic framework, and application challenges and opportunities.” from the ICAS President – Dr. Susan Ying.
    Increasing artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities were realized with the astonishing increase of computer powers and computational algorithms. The state-of-the-art computer science and software technology were addressed by the opening speaker, Dr. Paul Nielsen from Carnegie Mellon University (USA). The morning of the first day was focused on the intelligent technologies. Mr Toshihiko Noguchi from All Nippon Airways (Japan) presented the applications in aircraft maintenance, and Mr. Ronny Fehling for Airbus (Germany) explained the industrial data analytics and AI for the “big data” associated with operations. From the research field, Dr. Jae-Woo Choi from Aurora (USA) and Dr. Yoko Watanabe from ONERA (France) shared their unique insights on the autonomous and intelligent flight control system. Finally, the potential of AI for drones operations was addressed by Mr. Luuk van Dijk from Daedalean (Switzerland).
    In the afternoon of the first day, the technologies of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) were discussed. An Air Traffic System application for the UAS was presented by Mr. Sebastian Babiarz from Airmap (Germany) and by Dr. Peter Lenhart from Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW, Switzerland). The Collision Avoidance System was addressed by Mr. Johan Pellebergs from SAAB (Sweden) and by Mr. Andrea Schlapbach from FLARM Technology (Switzerland). UAS technologies developed in Switzerland were presented by Dr. Martin Fengler from Meteomatics and by Dr. Daniel Ambuehl from RUAG Aviation. Finally, discussions were moderated by Dr. Bruno Stoufflet from Dassault Aviation (France).
    In the second day, the focus was on regulations for UAS. Firstly, Dr. Javid Bayandor from Virginia Tech (UAS) showed UAS collision damage computer simulations. Then UAS regulations in each country were presented by Mr. Ian Ross from FAA (USA), and by Mr. Antonio Marchetto from EASA (Germany), followed by Dr. Cees Bil from RMIT University (Australia) and Mr. Markus Farner from Swiss Federal Office for Civil Aviation (Switzerland). Finally, Dr. Cees Bil moderated discussions from this session.
    Dr. Suzuki concluded the proceedings by stating, “Emerging technologies such as Intelligent and Autonomous technologies have enormous potential to change our industry, economy and human life, however new rules and regulations should be established to enable the operations in applying these emerging technologies. International collaboration is strongly required to create this new world. As an international professional society, ICAS has the role to facilitate this technical exchange and promote the international collaboration.”
    The outcomes of the workshop will be used to inform the next ICAS Congress – to be held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 09-14 September 2018 (see www.icas2018.com), of the recent achievements and most important challenges and opportunities associated with Intelligent and Autonomous Engineering issues.