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    Semana de 16 a 23 de setembro de 2016.






    ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival 2016

    October 13-14 Stockholm, Sweden


    Fonte: Prof. Oscar Mauricio Hernandez Rodriguez


     We would like to remind that the ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival will take place on the 13th – 14th of October 2016.


    The ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival will be held by PC Nordic, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.


    The full address of the venue is as below:

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Main Campus, Lindestedtsvagen 26, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden


    Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to: admin@cado-ercoftac.org by no later than 30th September 2016. Please state if you are going to participate in the meetings over 2 days or just 1 day, stating also which day it is you want to participate in and also please inform if you wish to attend the ERCOFTAC dinner which will take place on the 13th October (the venue to be confirmed).

    All information regarding this event will also be available on the ERCOFTAC website:



    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


    Magdalena Jakubczak

    Administration Manager


    Central Administration and Development Office (CADO)

    PO Box 53877

    London, SE27 7BR

    United Kingdom

    Email: admin@cado-ercoftac.org

    Skype: Ercoftaccado

    Tel: +442036028984



    Reduced-Order Modeling, Testing, and Control of Nonlinear Mechanical and Structural Systems

    Fonte: Prof. Dr. Jose Manoel Balthazar 

    Call for Papers

    The Special Issue addresses the general problem of model size reduction for describing nonlinear vibration of structural elements and systems. The aim is to provide and analyze tools that allow to accurately capture nonlinear dynamic behavior using a minimal number of degrees of freedom. It involves modeling and control of nonlinear dynamical phenomena in structural systems and other complex multibody mechanisms. Manuscripts in nonlinear dynamics and chaos, nonlinear normal modes (NNM), and advanced control systems are welcome.

    The Special Issue will bring together contributions from researchers in different areas of mechanical and structural engineering. Papers describing original theoretical research as well as new experimental results are desired.

    Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

    • Nonlinear dynamics
    • Nonlinear mode interaction
    • Nonideal systems
    • Chaotic dynamics
    • Advanced control systems
    • Nonlinear normal modes
    • Energy transfer
    • Energy harvesting

    Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at http://mts.hindawi.com/submit/journals/sv/roma/.

    Manuscript Due

    Friday, 24 February 2017

    First Round of Reviews

    Friday, 19 May 2017

    Publication Date

    Friday, 14 July 2017

    Lead Guest Editor

    Guest Editors



    Prof. Dr. Jose Manoel Balthazar, email: jmbaltha@gmail.com ,jmbaltha@ita.br.



    IceM 2017


    Fonte: Prof. Oscar Mauricio Hernandez Rodriguez


    I would like to inform you that ICeM Newsletter No.46 (September 2016) becomes available at

    http://www.jsmf.gr.jp/icem_2.shtml .

    * Everybody interested in multiphase flow can join to ICeM mailing list. 

      If your colleagues have an interest in ICeM, please inform the following registration site to them.


    ICeM is a free information centre supported by the Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow.

    We welcome your submission of a report and information on international meetings for the next ICeM newsletter, which will be published in March, 2017.

    Shigeo Hosokawa

    On behalf of ICeM Editorial board




    Concurso Público para Professor do Magistério Superior Campus da UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceará – em Fortaleza

    Inscrição: até dia 30 de setembro de 2016

    Fonte: Paulo Alexandre C. Rocha (DEM-UFC)


    ''O Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade Federal do Ceará está com Edital aberto até 30 de setembro referente a concurso público para preenchimento de uma para Professor Efetivo, na área de “Projetos Mecânicos”


    Edital pode ser obtido atráves do Link:




    Ou pelo site: www.progep.ufc.br 




    Bolsa de Mestrado e Doutorado Para Pesquisa na Área de Escoamento Bifásico Gás -Líquido

    Fonte: Prof. Oscar Rodriguez (USP)


    Disponibilidade de uma bolsa de mestrado e uma bolsa de doutorado para pesquisa na área de escoamento bifásico gás-liquido. Maiores detalhes sobre os projetos: http://oscarmhrodriguez13.wix.com/profoscarrodriguez.


    As bolsas são financiadas pela indústria (ANP) e a implementação depende da aprovação do candidato no processo seletivo do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica da EESC-USP. O edital será publicado em outubro próximo no seguinte endereço: http://www1.eesc.usp.br/ppgem/index.html. As bolsas de mestrado e doutorado serão implementadas no primeiro semestre de 2017.