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    Semana de 2 a 9 de setembro de 2016.




     II CONIGTI - Congresso Internacional de Gestão, Tecnologia e Inovação

    26 a 30 de setembro de 2016 - URI-Campus Erechim/RS

    Fonte: Prof. Cristiano Vitorino da Silva(URI - Campus de Erechim)


    O II CONIGTI engloba diversos cursos de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, além da possibilidade de promover a internacionalização. Desta forma, as seguintes semanas acadêmicas foram reunidas: XX Semana Acadêmica de Engenharia de Alimentos, XX Semana Acadêmica de Ciência da Computação, XV Semana Acadêmica de Engenharia Agrícola, XIV Semana Acadêmica de Química Industrial, X Semana Acadêmica de Engenharia Mecânica, IX Semana Acadêmica de Agronomia, VII Semana Acadêmica de Engenharia Civil, IV Semana Acadêmica de Engenharia Elétrica, III Semana Acadêmica de Engenharia de Produção, II Semana Acadêmica de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e I Semana Acadêmica de Engenharia Química.
    Concomitantemente, ocorre o III CSBEA, que objetiva promover a atualização em temas relevantes, bem como estimular a divulgação de trabalhos técnico-científicos realizados em engenharia, ciência e tecnologia de alimentos na região sul do país. 




    -Complementar a formação acadêmica dos estudantes;
    -Abordar temas novos ou não contemplados na grade curricular dos cursos;
    -Permitir o contato dos participantes com pesquisadores e profissionais de outras instituições e empresas, visando intercâmbio e expansão de conhecimentos nas mais diferentes áreas;
    -Estabelecer contato direto com a aplicação do conhecimento científico por meio de minicursos teórico/práticos;
    - Incentivar os discentes a efetuar pesquisa e divulgar seus trabalhos à comunidade científica


    Maiores informações: http://www.uricer.edu.br/site/informacao.php?pag_invoked=lista_eventos&id_evento=263



    30th Congresso of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences –ICAS

    September 25-30,2016 – Daejeon/Korea

    Fonte: Prof. Joao Luiz F. Azevedo(ITA)



    Dear members of ABCM,

    we are all very excited that the XXX. ICAS Congress is abou to start in a little over 5 weeks. To ensure a maximum participation we would like you to publish the following information to your members:


    The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences ICAS invites you to the XXX. ICAS Congress from 25 to 30 September in Daejeon, Korea.

    Since 1958 the world’s leading researchers meet biennially at the ICAS Congress. Twelve simultaneous tracks of lectures of the most prestigious scientist from more than 40 countries as well as many plenary lectures and a high-level social programme will ensure a rewarding week in Daejeon.

    For your registration and detailed information about the Congress, please see www.icas2016.com.

    We looking forward to seeing you in Daejeon
    Dr. Christian Mari, ICAS President


    Maiores informações: http://www.icas2016.com/



    ICF14 - 14th International Conference on Fracture

    June 18-23, 2017 – Rhodes/Greece

    Fonte: Prof. Claudio Ruggieri (USP)


    Dear Colleagues,


    On behalf of the Organizing and the International Steering Committee it is my great pleasure to extend you a cordial invitation to participate in the 14th International Congress on Fracture (ICF14) to be held in the island of Rhodes, Greece, May 7-12, 2017. ICF is organized under the auspices of the International Congress on Fracture - The World Academy of Structural Integrity (ICF-WASI).

    ICF14 will focus in all aspects of structural integrity with the objective of improving the safety and performance of engineering structures, components, systems and their associated materials.


    ICF14 will include two main tracks devoted to failure analysis of engineering materials and structures, and nanomaterials and nanostructures (MEMS and NEMS).

    Other topics include failure of biological and geotechnical materials, earthquakes and electronic packaging. ICF14 will comprise of invited lectures by eminent academics from around the world together with contributed oral and poster presentations covering all aspect of fracture and fatigue. During the conference special symposia covering major areas of research activity organized by members of the Scientific Advisory Board will take place.

    The attendees of ICF14 will have the opportunity to interact with the most outstanding world leaders and get acquainted with the latest developments in the area of failure of engineering and nano materials and structures. ICF14 will be a forum of university, industry and government interaction and exchange of ideas in an area of utmost scientific and technological importance.

    I am sure that besides the superb technical program, you will enjoy the majestic island of Rhodes with its unique beaches and scenic beauty, the medieval town and castle of Rhodes, many areas of historical interest and archeological importance, the delicious local cuisine, and the traditional Greek hospitality.

    Take a stroll and admire the gates, the towers, the squares, the medieval churches, the bridges, the Castle of Knights, the old Clock, the Acropolis, the ancient monuments, the Temple of Zeus and Athena, the Palace of the Grand Master ,the Temple of Apollo, the stadium. Visit the valley of the butterflies, the Minoan city of Ialyssos, the ancient picturesque city of Lindos with its Acropolis, temple and towers, the monastery of Panagia Tsambika with its miracle-working icon.

    ICF14 will be an unforgettable event from the scientific, social and entertainment points of view.

    Welcome to the island of sea nymph Rhode, daughter of Poseidon (Neptunus), bride of Helios (Sun). Enjoy the sunrays scattered from Helios that made Rhodes the brightest and sunniest island of the Aegean Sea.

    Welcome to the island of Knights, enjoy the biggest medieval city of Europe.


    Emmanuel E. Gdoutos

    ICF14 Chairman

    Maiores informações: http://www.icf14.org/