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    Semana de 18 a 25 de março de 2016.



    The 11th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics – IMPLAST 2016
    Fonte: Prof. Marcílio Alves (USP)


    IMPLAST series began in 1973, seven of these have been held in India and three, the 7th, 9th and 10th Symposia, were held in Melbourne, Australia in 2000, Bochum, Germany in 2007, and Rhode Island, USA in 2010.


    IMPLAST Symposia are attended by the scientists, engineers and researchers from the universities, scientific laboratories, and industries across the globe to share their latest research findings in fundamental and applied aspects of large deformation and failure of materials and structures resulting from quasi-static, earthquake, fire, impact or blast loading.


    In addition to providing a platform for sharing the latest developments in plasticity and impact mechanics, these symposia have proven instrumental in building and strengthening lasting relationships between the participating scientists.


    The weather in New Delhi in December is especially pleasant, and organizing committee will arrange for sightseeing and cultural events.


    More information: http://implast2016.iitd.ac.in/



    Fonte: José Manoel Balthazar (UNESP)


    We are glad to inform you that a deadline for Submission of Abstract for presentation at the 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "NONLINEAR DYNAMICS - 2016", which will be held at the NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY "KHARKOV POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE" (Kharkov, Ukraine) on 27 - 30 September, 2016, is extended to April, 1, 2016.


    Please, note that it is provided as the direct participation at the conference, as well the remote (correspondence) participation, and participation in the formate of web-conference. We will be grateful for your participation in any format. 


    Of course, we will be glad to meet you here on September. We are glad to inform you that some selected papers presented at the conference will be included to Special Issue published in the journal Nonlinear Dynamics.


    We invite you to visit the conference site:  http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/nd-khpi/ 





    Concurso Público para Professor Adjunto realizado pela UERJ
    Inscrição: até dia 31/03/2016
    Fonte:  Francisco José da Cunha Pires Soeiro (UERJ)


    Concurso público para provimento do cargo de professor adjunto na área de projeto de  Máquinas (Mecânica dos Sólidos).

    Área Projeto de Máquinas
    Carga Horária Semanal  40 horas
    Número de Vagas 01 (uma) 

    Período de Inscrição: 15/02/2016 a 31/03/2016.

    Mais informações podem ser obtidas:
    Pelo telefone (21)2334-0685 (Secretaria da Mecânica),
    Pelo e-mail: soeiro@uerj.br 
    Ou pelo edital http://www.srh.uerj.br/docente/saida.asp