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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 023/10 – Bolsa Convênio ECV-283/08 Eletrobrás – PUCPR

    Fonte: Prof. Nathan Mendes (PUCPR)

    SELEÇÃO para Bolsa Convênio ECV 283/08

    Local: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica – PUCPR (http://www.pucpr.br/ppgem)
    Tipo: Bolsa padrão DTI-1 – para doutores
    Coordenador: Prof. Nathan Mendes

    Requisitos desejados:


    1. Formado em Curso Superior na área de Física, Matemática ou Engenharias
    2. Doutorado na área de Ciências Exatas e da Terra
    3. Experiência pesquisa e desenvolvimento na área de simulação higrotérmica e energética de edificações, ventilação, climatização e microgeração de energia renovável
    4. Experiência em programação
    5. Conhecimento sobre a Regulamentação Brasileira de Eficiência Energética em Edificações para atuar como tutor.

    Período: 21 meses
    Valor: R$ 3.169,37
    Inscrições: 25/02 – 18/03/2010 através do email: nathan.mendes@pucpr.br
    Documentos: Enviar o CV Lattes, Histórico anexado ao email e carta de recomendação.

    INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 022/10 – IFToMM 2011 World Congress
    Fonte: Prof. João Carlos Mendes Carvalho (FEM/UFU)

    The 13th IFToMM World Congress Will take place in the city of Gunajuato,on June 19-25, 2011. This Congress is held every 4 years and it is the largest conference for mechanism and machine science. The aim of the congress is to gather researchers, scolars, practitioners and students with interests in the general área of the theory and practice of machines and mechanisms.

    Topics of the Congress

    Papers are welcome on the general áreas of the theory and practice of machines and mechanisms, with particular reference to the topics of the IFToMM Technical Commitees and Permanent Commissions, namely:


    • Computational kinematics
    • Gearing and transmissions
    • Human-machine systems
    • Linkages and cams
    • Mechatronics
    • Micromechanisms
    • Nonlinear oscillations
    • Robotics
    • Rotor dynamics
    • Transportation machinery
    • Reliability of machines and mechanisms
    • Education
    • History of MMS
    • Biomechanics
    • Design methodolgy
    • Dynamics of machinery
    • Tribology
    • Multibody dynamics

    Paper Electronic Submission

    Tem-page length in total and a miximum of 5Mbytes for file, in PDF format, is allowed for each paper. There is no exception for the size of the file and for the total number of pages. The editing rules described on the Web site under the heading “Paper Submission” must be strictly followed when preparing and submitting the complete paper. Downloadable IFToMM templates for Microsoft WORD format and LATEX are available on the web site. Paper submission Will be via web. CD proceedings Will be indexed and distributed to registered participants.

    Important Dates

    Full version of the paper should be submitted through the Conferenc Web site.

    Paper submission 1 Oct. 2010
    Provisional decision 26 Nov. 2010
    Final version submission 14 Jan. 2011
    Final decision 25 Feb. 2011

    Registration Fees

    Early registration Will be considered before March 1, 2011.

      Early Reg. Regular Reg.
    Delegate from IFtoMM M.O. $ 500 U.S $ 600 U.S.
    Delegate from non-IFToMM M.O. $ 550 U.S $ 650 U.S.
    Student $ 150 U.S. $ 200 U.S.
    Accompanying Person $ 150 U.S $ 200 U.S.

    IFToMM Young Delegate Program will provide suport to Young researchers as ruled in IFToMM webpage. Local Organizeing Committee Will provide additional support upon request and available specific funds.

    Congress Location

    Guanajuato City lies in the central parto f Mexico. It is a colonial city known for its architectural and cultural heritage, http://www.vamosaguanajuato.com/index.php/ english/home.html .

    Guanajuato is accessible by air, car and bus. The Guanajuato international airport (IATA cod:BJX) is 25Km southwest of Guanajuato, about 25 min dirve. http://www.aeropuertosgap.com.mx/english/ airports/guanajuato-airport . The mexico City international airport (IATA cod:MEX) is 350Km southeast of Guanajuato, http://www.aiem.com.mx/home_en.php , about 5 hours drive.


    Hotels of all classes are available at reasonable rates in the city of Guanajuato. Information Will be available in the congress web Page.

    Organized by

    IFToMM – Mexico
    Universidad de Guanajuato

    Cosponsored by IFToMM www.iftomm.org
    Mechanical Eng. Society, Mexico
    National Science Council, Mexico
    State Science Council, Guanajuato
    State Government, Guanajuato
    Web Page: www.iftomm2011.org
    Contact: secretariat@iftomm2011.org