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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 092/07 – Call for Papers – The 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control – MOVIC

    September 15 – 18, 2008
    Technische Universitaet Muenchen
    Campus Garching/Munich, Germany


    The International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC) is held every two years. The goal is to stimulate interactions between researchers active in the area of motion and vibration control.

    Since the MOVIC conference was launched by Japan in 1992, it has been successfully held in Japan in 1994 and 1996, Switzerland in 1998, Australia in 2000, Japan in 2002, USA in 2004 and Korea in 2006. The conference has developed into a very productive international event for the advancement of motion and vibration control technology.

    The ninth conference, MOVIC 2008, will take place at the TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET MUENCHEN, Germany, from September 15 – 18, 2008 (Chairman: Prof. Heinz Ulbrich). The primary purposes of MOVIC 2008 are to promote scientific and technological exchange between researchers from around the world, and to enhance the understanding and the dissemination of relevant research in this area.

    Motion and vibration control is a fundamental technology for the development of advanced mechanical and structural systems such as mechatronics, vehicle systems, robots, spacecraft, and rotating machinery. Often the implementation of high performance, low power consumption design can only be possible with the use of this technology. It is also vital to the mitigation of natural hazards for large structures such as high-rise buildings and tall bridges, and to the application of flexible structures such as space stations and satellites.

    Recent innovations in relevant hardware, sensors, actuators, and software have facilitated new research in this area.

    Important Dates

    Submission of abstracts: -> October 31, 2007
    Notification of abstract acceptance: -> December 10, 2007
    Submission of full paper (draft version): -> February 29, 2008
    Submission of full paper (final version): -> June 25, 2008


    Application of Control Theory and Techniques
    Control Devices, Sensors and Actuators
    Rotor Dynamics and Control
    Smart Sensors and Sensor Network
    Smart Structures Space Structures and Control
    Vehicle Dynamics and Control
    Application of Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
    Biologically Inspired Mechanism
    Control of Civil Infastructures
    Control of Fluid/Structure Interaction
    Control of Micro and Nano Structures
    Control Technology for Tele-Operation Systems
    Damage Detection and Structural Health Monitoring
    Dynamics and Control of Multibody Systems
    Humanoid Robot Dynamics and Control
    ITS and Intelligent Control System
    Noise Control and 3D Sound Rendering
    Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
    Shock Protective Systems
    Structural Acoustics
    Structural Control against Wind and Earthquake Loading
    System Identification and Modeling
    Virtual Reality and Simulation
    Other Topics relevant to the Conference’s Objectives

    Conference Languageanguage
    The conference language is English. No simultaneous translation into other languages will be provided.

    Conference Venue
    The conference will take place at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Campus Garching/Munich, Germany.

    Registration Fee
    The regular registration fee is 490 EUR plus VAT. Students get a discount. The fee includes the following: dinners, suppers, cold and hot drinks during the conference and one electronic copy of the conference proceedings.

    Conference Organisation & Contact Persons

    Scientific questions:
    Lucas Ginzinger, Heinz Ulbrich
    Institute of Applied Mechanics, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
    Phone: + 49 (0) 89 289-15199
    Email: info@movic2008.de

    Organisational questions:
    Susanne Wölky, Ulrich Wild
    TUM-Tech GmbH
    Phone: + 49 (0) 89 3066950
    Email: orga@movic2008.de