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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 095/07 – ICIPE 2008

    “Dear Colleague,

    We are pleased to announce the forthcoming 6th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice (ICIPE 2008), to be held in Dourdan (Paris), France on June 15-19, 2008.

    The abstract submission is open, and you are cordially invited to propose contributions to ICIPE 2008. The deadline for submission is set to October 15, 2007. Abstracts should be submitted through the Conference website http://www.icipe2008.ciril.fr, and in accordance with the instructions posted therein. The Conference website http://www.icipe2008.ciril.fr also features other details and will be continually updated.

    This event is the sixth of the International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice (ICIPE) series, initiated in Palm Coast (USA) in 1993. Noteworthy features of all ICIPE meetings are their balanced focus on theory and applications (and, better yet, the combination of both) and a residential setting in an informal atmosphere aimed at maximizing opportunities for interactions between participants. The previous ICIPE was held in Cambridge (UK) in July 2005.

    We look forward to welcoming you in Dourdan next year.

    With our best wishes,

    The ICIPE 2008 organizing committee:
    Denis Maillet (chairman), Stéphane Andre, Marc Bonnet, Andrei Constantinescu, Abdellatif El Badia, Yvon Jarny.”