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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 107/07 – Noise and Vibration Conference NVH

    SAE Brasil Noise and Vibration Conference NVH
    Florianópolis/SC – Brazil
    2008, March 30th – April 01st

    NVH-Brazil 2008 is aimed at national and international NVH technical communities operating in the vehicle market, encompassing buses, trucks, airplanes and all other means of transport. It will provide the opportunity to exhibit the latest technologies related to consulting, measurement equipment, NVH prediction tools, control materials, standards, testing and development of quiet products, from cost/benefits and the sound quality point of view. We expect a very rich international exhibition to attend the international great demand. Brazil has one of the largest automobile industries, with brands from all over the world, serving not only local and South American markets, but consumers worldwide. The congress will be held on a beautiful island just off the coast of the Santa Catarina State, in Florianopolis city, the state capital, offering 42 beaches with crystal clear water, subtropical weather and South American hospitality.


    Abstract submission – 2007, November 05
    Acceptance notification – 2007, November 18
    Full paper submission – 2008, January 18
    Full paper acceptance notification- 2008, February 15


    All contacts, abstracts, full papers and presentations should be in English.
    Todos los contactos, resumen, trabajos completos y la presentación debem estar en lengua inglesa.
    Todos os contatos, resumos, trabalhos completos e a apresentação devem ser em língua inglesa.


    • The abstract should be sent EXCLUSIVELY through SAE BRASIL site (www.saebrasil.org.br), only with text (without images, tables, etc.). The abstract should not have more than 1500 character.
    • Fill out correctly the registration form with all requested information.
    • After the fulfillment, push the “SEND” button. You will receive a confirmation with all information you typed. Check if they are correct and push the “SEND” button again. Upon submission you will receive an automatic confirmation reply. Push the given link in order to check the information you used.

      • Abstracts sent through mail, e-mail or fax, etc.
      • Not be accepted papers made exclusively by students. Those students should contact SAE BRASIL to be directed to the Student Committee


    Engine / powertrain / driveline
    Passive and active NVH control
    Vehicle subsystems
    NVH measurement techniques
    Standards, processes and perspectives
    Exterior and interior vehicle NVH
    Numerical methods
    Tire and road NVH
    Exhaust system modeling and testing
    Techniques for source identification (Beamforming, Holography, Intensity, etc.)
    Internal and external aircraft noise and vibration
    Airport noise
    Community noise
    Traffic noise
    Human effect of noise and Vibration
    Sound quality
    Aero acoustics
    NVH installations and equipment
    Regulations and standards
    Cost benefit analysis


    Tel: 55 11 3287-2033 Ext. 223
    Fax: 55 11 3288-6599
