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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 022/08 – MecSol 2009



    The Solid Mechanics Committee of the Brazilian Association of Mechanical Sciences is organizing the Second International Symposium on Solid Mechanics – MecSol 2009. The conference will be held at the Windsor Miramar Hotel in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 28 to 30 April 2009 and abstracts (about 200 words) must be sent to the organizing committee via email mecsol2009@mec.uff.br .

    The Symposium aims at gathering specialists in the field of Solid Mechanics for an in depth discussion of the many aspects covered by this large branch of science and technology. Papers to be presented at the Symposium are expected to focus on fundamental and applied issues, including computational, theoretical and experimental contributions, drawing upon the various branches of engineering science and the allied areas within applied mathematics, materials science, structural engineering and applied physics.

    Thus, the symposium encompasses all aspects of the field from the more classical problems of structural analysis to mechanics of solids continually interacting with other media and including fracture, flow, wave propagation, heat transfer, thermal effects in solids, optimum design methods, model analysis, structural topology and numerical techniques.

    Authors whose abstract are accepted will be asked for a full paper. Instructions regarding manuscript submission will be sent on due time. The peer reviewed papers will be published in a book. Also, some selected articles will be published in a special edition of the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, www.lajss.org .


    The International Symposium on Solid Mechanics – MecSol had its first edition in 2007 and takes place every two years in a Brazilian city. The MecSol Symposium is organized under the aegis of the Solid Mechanics Committee of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. The 1st International Symposium on Solid Mechanics took place in 2007 at the University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil. This workshop had about 50 participants, from distinct Institutions.


    July 7-2008 Extended Abstract Submission – mecsol2009@mec.uff.br

    August 1-2008 Acceptance Notification
    October 6-2008 Full-paper submission
    December 8-2008 Notification of paper acceptance
    January 8-2009 Submission of final version


    Heraldo S. da Costa Mattos
    João M. Laredo dos Reis
    Luiz Carlos da Silva Nunes
    Mechanical Engineering Program
    Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF

    Luiz C. M. Meniconi
    Research and Development Center- CENPES
    Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – PETROBRA

    Marcílio Alves
    Department of Mechatronics and Mechanical Systems Engineering
    Universidade de São Paulo

    We are looking forward to hearing from you and to receiving your abstract in reply to this email.

    Heraldo da Costa Mattos and Marcílio Alves (on behalf of the Organizing Committee)