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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 056/08 –– 12th International Conference on Fracture – ICF 12

    12th International Conference on Fracture – ICF 12
    Ottawa, Canada, 2009

    Founded by Professor T. Yokobori in 1965, the International Congress on Fracture (ICF) is today the premier international body for promoting worldwide cooperation among scientists and engineers dealing with mechanics and mechanisms of fracture, fatigue and strength of solids. Over the years, ICF has made considerable progresses in providing an international forum for highlighting individual and national accomplishments in the general fields of Fracture Mechanics, Material Strength and Structural Integrity. The international conference of ICF takes place every four years and in 2009 the International Conference on Fracture, ICF12 will be held in Ottawa Canada.

    The 12th International Conference on Fracture will focus on key issues in structural integrity, strength and fracture of materials and structures for the 21st century, including applications in geophysics, medicine, integrated modeling and engineering. Over 45 research topics will be covered ranging from nonlinear fracture mechanics, fatigue, damage mechanics, smart materials, ceramics and polymers to nano-mechanics, thin films and welding and joining technology among others.

    The 12th International Conference on Fracture will comprise invited lectures together with contributed oral and poster presentations covering all aspects of strength and fracture.

    The Organizing Committee of the 12th International Conference on Fracture (ICF 12) invites all those interested in all aspects of fracture research to submit an abstract. The conference will cover the latest developments in mechanics and mechanisms in fracture, fatigue and strength of solids. Submission Deadline : June 15, 2008

    Information: www.icf12.org
    E-mail: icf12@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca