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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 087/08 –– International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Sustainabel Energy


    The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT),is pleased to announce CONV-09, an International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Sustainable Energy, taking place inYasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, during 26 April – 1 May, 2009.

    For details, please see the web site of the conference: http://www.ichmt.org/conv-09

    This meeting will firstly focus on a presentation and discussion of theory, experiments, and applications of convective heat and mass transfer.

    A heavy emphasis will be placed on the significant recent advances in convective heat transfer in conversion systems of renewable energy, and will be co-sponsored by the Universite de Reims, Champagne-Ardenne, the Universite Tunis El Manar, and Eurotherm.


    A wide range of topics related to classical and emerging areas of convective heat and mass transfer applications will be covered, including:

    Fluid mechanics and turbulence in wind power
    Cooling of fuel cells
    Micro-scale convective heat and mass transfer
    Imaging, flow visualization and data analysis
    Boiling, condensation, two-phase flows
    Mass transfer, pollutant dispersion
    Conjugated heat transfer
    Thermo-solutal convection
    Thermo-mechanical analysis of electronic cooling
    Air conditioning, heat transfer and fluid mechanics for building
    Solid-fluid interface properties of new materials
    Entropy generation and optimization


    There will be a number of invited keynote lectures. Contributed papers will be presented in both oral and poster sessions.


    Abstract submission is open now; the deadline is 31 October 2008
    Abstract acceptance will be notified by 15 December 2008
    Final copies of extended abstracts and full paper submissions are due February 13, 2009
    Abstracts for recent work posters is due March 1, 2009


    For general enquiries, please contact

    Dr. Faruk Arinç
    ICHMT Secretary General
    Mechanical Engineering Department
    Middle East Technical University
    06531 Ankara, Turkey
    Tel: +90-312-210 5214
    E-Mail: farinc@ichmt.org

    For scientific inquiries about CONV-09, please contact

    Dr. Mourad Rebay
    University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
    Laboratoire GRESPI – Thermomécanique
    Faculté des Sciences, BP 1039
    51687 Reims, France
    Phone : +33-3-26913448
    Fax : +33-3-26913250
    E-mail: mourad.rebay@univ-reims.fr

    Para mais informações clique aqui.