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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 097/08 –– 1st International Conference on Material Modelling

    1st International Conference on Material Modelling
    September 15th – 17th, 2009
    Dortmund, Germany

    Scientific Objectives

    During the last decades material modelling has become a field of central scientific importance. Although there exist many workshops, meetings, colloquia etc. on particular aspects, specific materials and particular applications, a single conference dedicated to materials modelling in all its various facets is lacking. To this end, the aim of the conference is to bring together researchers from the various filds of material modelling including materials characterization. The intention here is to cover essentially all aspects of material modelling. This will provide the opportunity for interaction among and exchange between scientists working in different subareas of material mechanics who otherwise would not come into contact with each other.

    Main Topics

    • elasticity
    • viscoelasticity and creep
    • elasto- and viscoplasticity
    • damage, fracture, fatigue
    • phase transitions
    • nonclassical and non-local approaches
    • multiscale modelling
    • thermomechanical and multifield modelling
    • functional materials
    • biomaterials
    • material design
    • experimental identification and material characterization
    • material theory and fundamentals
    • mathematical and computational aspects
    • micro-nanomechanics

    Organizing Comittee

    Andreas Menzel
    Bob Svendsen
    Albrecht Bertram


    Abstract: January 15, 2009
    Conference paper: October 31, 2009


    For questions and informal registration, please contact us at the following address:

    c/o Institute of Mechanics
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Dortmund University of Technology
    D-44227 Dortmund, Germany

    Tel.: 0049-231-755-5744
    Fax: 0049-231-755-2688

    homepage: www.icmm1.de In the attachment you will find the flyer for the conference.