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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 18/09 – Simpósio de Combustão no COBEM 2009

    Along mankind’s history, combustion has been the major source of heat and power. Even though research on alternative energy sources has been reinforced in recent decades, it has been difficult for other technologies to prove being more reliable and cost-effective than simply burning coal, oils, natural gas or other hydrocarbon fuels. Nevertheless, the knowledge that availability of fossil fuels is limited, along with the increasing concern with pollutant emissions from combustion processes have made it imperative that controlled, efficient use of the energy sources be sought. Combustion is one branch of science that certainly affects almost every aspect of human activity.

    Owing to the broad range of applications, combustion science and technology covers theoretical, experimental and numerical areas. Practical combustion problems include the study of combustion devices, fuels, pollutants formation, safety, to mention but a few. Accordingly, combustion research is interdisciplinary in nature, and a diverse knowledge is required of combustion scientists and engineers, comprising not only the fundamentals of thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and transport phenomena but also the theoretical, numerical and experimental methods used to approach the problems.

    The COBEM2009 Combustion Symposium aims at bringing together these scientists and engineers for exchange of expertise in broad areas of combustion science and technology, encompassing experimental, theoretical and quantitative research work in topics of current interest.

    Technical papers are solicited on all aspects of combustion science and technology, from fundamental physical and chemical kinetics, laminar and turbulent flames, burners, combustion diagnostics, coal & biomass combustion, gasification, spray and droplet combustion, fires, fluidized bed combustors and other energy systems.

    We look forward to meeting you at the COBEM2009 in Gramado, RS

    Associate Prof. Thamy Cristina Hayashi
    Associate Prof. Horácio A Vielmo