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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 72/09 – International Symposium on Fretting Fatigue 6

    First Announcement and Call for Papers
    International Symposium on Fretting Fatigue 6

    Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, CHINA April 19-21, 2010

    Major Topics of ISFF6 include, but not limited to, the following areas:

    • Testing and Standardization in fretting fatigue
    • Recent experimental results in fretting fatigue
    • Applications and case studies, including but not limited to aerospace, bio-technology, electrical generating equipment, nuclear power equipment
    • Theories and mechanisms of fretting fatigue/wear
    • Modeling issues in fretting fatigue/wear
    • Coatings and/or lubrication as palliatives for fretting fatigue
    • Fretting wear and its interaction with fatigue damage
    • Each session will be introduced by an invited paper(s). The invited papers present the current status and future direction of research in fretting fatigue, as well as the industry perspective for current and future needs.

    Abstract Submission
    For those who are interested in submitting abstracts to ISFF6 secretariat, please use the symposium’s abstract template (downloadable at http://www.ISFF6.com) to prepare the abstracts according to instructions and submit completed abstracts (one page in the Microsoft Word format) through email to ISFF6@swjtu.cn or ISFF2010@gmail.com before 31th November, 2009.

    Accepted abstracts will be published in the symposium proceedings. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full-length papers to the journal of Tribology International. All papers will be peer reviewed for possible publication in a special issue in Tribology International. All accepted papers with symposium registration fee being paid will be published in the journal.

    Important Deadlines

    Abstract Submission    31 November, 2009
    Abstract Acceptance Notification    20 December, 2009
    Early Registration Deadline    28 February, 2010
    Final Program Published    10 April, 2010
    Full-length Manuscript Submission    20 April, 2010

    Secretary General: Prof. Min-Hao Zhu
    Secretary: Dr. Ji-Liang Mo, Dr. Zhen-Bing Cai
    Address: Tribology Research Institute
    Southwest Jiaotong University
    Chengdu, Sichuan 610031
    P. R. China
    Email: ISFF6@swjtu.cn ; ISFF2010@gmail.com
    Tel: +86-28-87600601
    Fax: +86-28-87603142
    Website: http://www.ISFF6.com