INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 81/09 – Palestras do Professor Roger L. Fosdick na UEESC/USP
O SET/EESC e o Grupo de Mecânica dos Fluidos do ICMC estão promovendo uma série de 4 palestras a serem ministradas pelo Professor Roger L. Fosdick da Universidade de Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, EUA, no Depto. de Engenharia de Estruturas da EESC/USP no período de 03 a 14 de Agosto próximos (quartas e sextas, às 10h).
Esta série de palestras está baseada no livro “The Invariant Structure of Thermomechanics” de autoria do palestrante com o Prof. Darren Mason, do Departamento de Matemática e Ciências da Computação de Albion College.
Hardcopy do material coberto nas palestras será distribuído entre participantes.
Público alvo:Pesquisadores e pós-graduandos cominteresse na Termo-Mecânica do Contínuo.
Estas palestras fazem parte da disciplina SET5912. Certificados serão fornecidos aos demais participantes. Informações sobre as palestras, ou, matrícula na disciplina, contactar secretaria de Pós-Graduação do SET. E-mail: / Tel.: (16) 3373-9479.
Local: Departamento de Engenharia deEstruturas – SET/EESC/USP.
Data: 03 a 14 de agosto de 2009 (quartas e sextas, às 10h).
Apoio: Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduacão da USP
Iniciativa conjunta do SET/EESC como Grupo de Mecânica dos Fluidos do ICMC.Classical Continuum Thermomechanics and its Invariant Structure
ROGER L. FOSDICK, Ph.D. – Professor of Mechanics
University of Minnesota – Minneapolis, MN, EUA
ABSTRACT. In classical continuum thermomechanics, it is natural to introduce an ordered collection ofnine fields defined for each particleX of thebodyB, for all time t. This collection consists of the motion of B, the mass density as mass/present-volume,the absolute temperature, the internal energy/mass, the entropy/mass, the traction vector as force/present-area on an oriented surface whose unit normalisn, the body force/mass, the scalar contact heating/present – areaonan oriented surface whose unit normal is n and the radiant heating/mass. This collection is said to define a thermodynamic process if it satisfies the balance of energy and the Clausius-Duhem inequality for every material part Pcontainedin Band for all timet. These to fall thermodynamic processes is given additional structure by requiring it to satisfy two invariance axioms. The elements of classical continuum thermomechanics and these axioms, together with their many fundamental implications, are discussed in these lectures.
Continuum thermomechanics adopts the Clausius-Duhemine quality as the primitive statement of the second law of thermodynamics. Thus, these lectures will include a discussion of the implications of this inequality from the viewpoint of classical thermodynamics. Specifically, the situation of a deformable heat conducting body which is immersed in anenvironment (orreservoir) of uniform temperature (not necessarily constant in time) and otherwise subject to loading and heating will be examined. Interest will be directed toward the relationship between the Clausius- Duhemine quality and the well-known classical statements of the second law of thermodynamics due to CARNOT, CLAUSIUS, KELVIN and PLANCK. Efficiency and reversibility of global thermodynamic processes will be discussed as well as Carnot processes and cycles. Two elementary identities for the efficiency of a thermodynamic process will be given and a main efficiency estimate, which is sharp for reversible, Carnot processes, will be shown. A connection to the classical verbal statementsof the secondlaw will bemade.
CONTENT. 1. The Body and its Configurations, 2.The Fields and Thermodynamic Processes, 3. Classical Implications of the Second Law, 4. The Axiom of Translation Invariance and its Consequences, 5. A Theorem Concerning Thermodynamic Processes, 6. The Second Axiom of Euclidean Invariance.