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    Semana de 13 a 19 de Março (10ª semana) de 2011



    • ICTAM2012- 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

    • 19 a 24 de agosto de 2012 – Beijing, China.
      A ABCM representa o Brasil na IUTAM (International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), com dois representantes na General Assembly: o Prof. Luiz Bevilacqua e o Diretor Científico da ABCM (atualmente o Prof. José Roberto de França Arruda) e um membro do Congress Committee: o Prof. Renato Machado Cotta.
      Fonte: Prof. José Roberto de França Arruda (UNICAMP)

      Dear Colleagues,

      The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2012) of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) will be held in Beijing, China, from 19 to 24 August, 2012. The Congress (ICTAM) is organized every four years by IUTAM. It brings together scientists from all over the world to exchange the recent developments in the field of mechanics to promote the research, application and education of mechanics. The first ICTAM was held in Delft, The Netherlands, in 1924, and the last ICTAM was held in Adelaide , Australia , in 2008. The ICTAM2012 is hosted by the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM). The President of ICTAM2012 is Professor Yilong Bai of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

      The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) is an international non-governmental scientific organization with the objectives to form a link between persons and organizations engaged in scientific work in all branches of theoretical and applied mechanics and related sciences, including analytical, computational and experimental investigations; to organize international congresses of theoretical and applied mechanics, and other international meetings for subjects falling within the field of theoretical and applied mechanics; and to engage in other activities meant to promote development of mechanics, both theoretical and applied, as a branch of science.

      The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2012) will cover all branches of theoretical and applied mechanics and related sciences, including analytical, computational and experimental investigations, thus providing a unique means of achieving the objectives of IUTAM. The Congress is composed of four plenary lectures, namely, the Opening Lecture, the Closing Lecture, the George Batchelor Prize Lecture, and the Rodney Hill Prize Lecture, 17 Sectional Lectures, 6 Mini-Symposia and 46 Pre-Nominated Sessions. You are cordially invited to submit papers to, and participate in, the ICTAM2012. Submission of papers will be accepted after September 1, 2011. The First Announcement and Call for Papers with more information will be due in May, 2011 (Clickhere to download the Preliminary Announcement now). For more detailed and updated information of ICTAM2012, as well as pre-registration, please visit the Congress website at


      ICTAM2012 Secretariat

      The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
      15 Beisihuanxi Road , Haidian District 
      Beijing 100190, China
      Fax: +86 10 62559588 
      E-mail: ictam2012@cstam.org.cn 



    • PACAM XII -12th Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics

    • 02 a 06 de Janeiro de 2012 – Port of Spain, Trinidad.
      Fonte: Prof. Luiz Bevilacqua (UFRJ)

      Mais Informações acessem o link: http://www.pacamxii.org/aboutPACAM.html 



    • Second Brazil-China Conference on Scientific Computing

    • 27 junho a 01 de Julho de 2011 – Beijing, China.
      Fonte: Prof. Luiz Bevilacqua (UFRJ)

      Mais Informações acessem o link: http://www.iapcm.ac.cn/bcscicomp2011/




    • Processo seletivo para Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica na Universidade Federal do ABC

    • Inscrição: 23 de março a 07 de abril de 2011
      Fonte: Luiz de Siqueira Martins Filho (UFABC)

      Edital de seleção para o novo Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica da UFABC.
      As inscrições vão de 23/03/2011 a 07/04/2011 e as demais informações podem ser encontradas no site do curso: http://posmec.ufabc.edu.br/