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    Semana de 05 a 11 de Junho (23ª semana) de 2011



    • UNCERTAINTIES 2012 – This 1st International Symposium on Uncertainty
      Quantification and Stochastic Modeling

    • 26 de Fevereiro a 02 de Março de 2012 , São Sebastião – São Paulo.
      Fonte: Prof. Rubens Sampaio (PUC – Rio)

      Subject: Call for Abstracts: UNCERTAINTIES 2012 in Brazil


      This 1st International Symposium on Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling (Uncertainties 2012) arises from the scientific community’s interest in having a proper forum for discussion of academic, scientific and technical aspects of uncertainty quantification in mechanical systems.

      Uncertainties 2012 will take place at the Maresias Beach Hotel, on the beach of Maresias, São Sebastião, São Paulo, and will be held from February 26 to March 2, 2012. This first meeting is organized on behalf of the ABCM Committee on Stochastic Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification, based on the experience acquired in organizing similar-themed mini-symposia in past conferences as well as previous meetings held at the Catholical University of Rio de Janeiro.

      Counting on an overwhelming reception by the scientific community, it is purpose of the ABCM Committee on Stochastic Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification to make Uncertainties a bi-annual event, creating a permanent forum for the discussion of academic, scientific and technical aspects of uncertainty quantification in mechanical systems.

      Uncertainties 2012 aims at providing an appropriate atmosphere for the exchange of experiences, with sufficient free time for scientific connections, interactions with past and future collaborators, and so on. Hence, there will be no parallel sessions. Presentations will be comprised of oral sessions and poster sessions.

      The meeting also contemplates two short courses, taught by renowned specialists, aimed at graduate and post-graduate students and with the purpose of increasing the overall understanding of the main aspects of uncertainty quantification and stochastic mechanics.

      A policy of No Show – No Paper will be adopted.

      English is adopted as the official language of the event, to be used in abstracts, full length papers, posters and oral presentations. The short courses may eventually be taught in Portuguese, depending on interest of both ministrant and students.

      The conference organization is negotiating with ABCM the publication of the best papers presented at the conference in a Special Issue of the Journal of The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering.

      Organizing committee


      • André Teófilo Beck – Universidade de São Paulo (EESC/USP)
      • Marcelo Areias Trindade – Universidade de São Paulo (EESC/USP)
      • José Alberto Cuminato – Universidade de São Paulo (ICMC/USP)
      • Rubens Sampaio – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

      Topics of interest (included but not limited to)


      • Bayesian methods
      • Computational stochastic mechanics
      • Fuzzy methods
      • Industrial application of uncertainty quantification
      • Interval methods
      • Multi-objective optimization in presence of uncertainties
      • Probabilistic methods
      • Risk analysis
      • Robust analysis
      • Robust, performance-based and reliability-based structural optimization under uncertainty
      • Stochastic control
      • Stochastic dynamics and random vibrations
      • Structural reliability
      • Uncertainty identification
      • Uncertainty quantification and reduction
      • Uncertainty propagation

      Call for Papers

      Abstract submission is now open. Authors are invited to submit abstracts limited to 400 words written in English. Acceptable abstracts must contain motivations and brief description of the study and convey the main results and conclusions.

      Abstract acceptance will be informed until September 1st 2011. Please notice that full length paper corresponding to accepted abstracts must be submitted until October 1st 2011.

      Important dates


      • Abstract submission: 15 August 2011
      • Abstract acceptance: 1 September 2011
      • Full length paper submission: 1 October 2011
      • Full length paper acceptance: 1 December 2011
      • Early bird registration: 15 December 2011
      • Symposium dates: 26 February to 2 March 2012




    • Concurso Público para Magistério Superior – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (Campus de Rondonópolis)

    • Inscrições: 08 de Junho de 2011
      Fonte: Prof. Marcelo Mendes Vieira

      A UFMT – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (Campus de Rondonópolis), publicou o Edital Nº 003/PROAD/SGP/2011 (http://www.ufmt.br/ufmt/site/editais/ visualizar/6/Cuiaba) para seleção de Docentes do curso de ENGENHARIA MECÂNICA para as seguintes áreas:


      • Engenharia Mecânica/Projeto de Máquinas e Mecânica dos Sólidos: 02 vagas;
      • Engenharia Mecânica/Fenômenos dos Transportes e Engenharia Térmica: 01 vaga;
      • Engenharia Elétrica/Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos: 01 vaga.

      As inscrições se encerram no dia 08 de junho de 2011. As provas compreenderão as datas de 28 a 30 de junho de 2011. Como observação, nesse concurso existe a possibilidade de candidatos classificados serem admitidos posteriormente.

      Mais informações podem ser obtidas em:
      http://www.ufmt.br/ufmt/site/editais/ visualizar/6/Cuiaba
      Tel. (66)3410-4099 



    • Concurso Público para Magistério Superior – Universidade Federal do Amazonas

    • Inscrições: 18/05/2011 a 16/06/2011
      Fonte: Prof. Nelson Kuwahara (UFAM)

      Concurso público para a carreira do Magistério Superior – Universidade Federal do Amazonas

      Área: Engenhariecânica


      1 Projetos de Máquinas Assistente Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica com graduação em Engenharia Mecânica Dedicação Exclusiva
      1 Engenharia Térmica Assistente Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica com graduação em Engenharia Mecânica Dedicação Exclusiva
      1 Controle de Sistemas Mecânicos Assistente Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica com graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Elétrica ou Mecatrônica Dedicação Exclusiva

      Inscrições (pessoalmente ou via sedex):
      Faculdade de Tecnologia – Av.Gal. Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos,
      3000 – Coroado. Cep 69.077-00 
      Fones: 092-3305-4635 e 092-3305-4636.

      Documentação exigida e tópicos para as provas escrita e oral:
      vide edital no 034/2011 – concurso público UFAM em:

      Período de inscrições: de 18/05/2011 a 16/06/2011
      Realização das provas: instituto tecnológico da aeronáutica – ITA –São José dos Campos de 11/07/2011 a 14/07/2011 (previsão)
      Local de trabalho: Faculdade de Tecnologia – UFAM

      Contato para esclarecimentos adicionais:

      Hugo Mario Tavares Junior (coordenador do curso de Eng. Mecânica)
      e-mail: htavares@ufam.edu.br

      Mais informações: Clique aqui e aqui