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    Semana de 31 de julho a 06 de agosto (31ª semana) de 2011



    • Short Course on Vibration of Machines (Lembrete)

    • 24 a 26 de Agosto, 2011 ,UNICAMP, Campinas.
      Fonte: Profª. Katia Lucchesi Cavalca (UNICAMP)


      Dr. Rajagopal Subbiah – Senior Technical Advisor for Siemens Energy, USA.

      The on-line registration is avaiable in ABCM site and the deadline is August 15th, 2011:http://abcm.org.br/contato/boleto.asp

      Mais informações: Clique aqui



    • 8th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer 2012

    • 03 a 07 de Junho de 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland.
      Fonte:Prof. Júlio César Passos (UFSC)

      Dear Boiling and Condensation Researchers:

      The website (see below) for the ECI Ð8th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer 2012 is now online. Other features will be added this fall for submission of abstracts, registration, etc. Please make your plans to be in Lausanne next year. The request for abstracts will go out this fall.

      As in the past, the abstracts will be submitted and selection for papers to be presented at the conference will be based on the abstracts. Authors of approved abstracts will be requested to submit their paper using a templateÉthe papers will not be reviewedÉthis is the same way it has been done it the pastÉidea is to get very good abstracts covering very good recent work on boiling and condensation heat transfer. A CD of the proceedings will be made and one or more journal special issues are planned to be organized.

      Please note that CONDENSATION has been added to the “Boiling Conference” this time.


      Prof. John R. Thome
      Conference Chair





    • Concurso Público Magistério Superior – Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica da UNICAMP.

    • Inscrições: 22/07/2011 a 22/08/2011
      Fonte: Profª. Evelin Heloise Cabral (UNICAMP)

      Estão abertas as Inscrições para Concurso Público de Professor Doutor, nível MS-3, na Área de Projeto Mecânico , nas disciplinas EM909 – Projeto de Sistemas Mecânicos, EM074 – Confiabilidade e EM608 – Elementos de Máquinas, para a Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica da UNICAMP.

      O edital na íntegra poderá ser acessado no seguinte endereço:http://www.sg.unicamp.br/dca/concursos 



    • Concurso Público Magistério Superior – Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia.

    • Inscrições: 15/08/2011 a 30/ 09/ 2011.
      Fonte: Prof. Rogério Fernandes Brito (UNIFEI)

      Mais informações: Clique aqui.




    • LAJSS

    • Fonte:Prof. Marcilio Alves (USP)

      Dear Readers:

      It is a great pleasure to inform you that the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures has now an impact factor of 0.579, as measured by ISI Web of Knowledge, Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, in http://admin-apps.webofknowledge.com/ JCR/JCR?RQ=LIST_SUMMARY_JOURNAL

      Remember that LAJSS is a 100% free international journal, indexed in the Web of Science, Scopus and Scielo.

      We invite you to submit your contributions to LAJSS and we thank you for the continuing interest in LAJSS.

      Best regards,

      Marcilio Alves
      Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP
      Phone 55-11-3091-5757