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    Semana de 16 a 22 de outubro (42ª semana) de 2011



    • ENCIT 2012 – 14th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering
      First Announcement and Call for Papers

    • November 18th to 22nd – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
      Fonte: Prof. Maria Laura Martins Costa – UFF

      Dear colleagues, on the behalf of the Organizing Committee of the ENCIT 2012, we are delighted to invite you to submit a paper and come join us participating in the 14th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering. ENCIT is a high-quality thermal-sciences oriented conference, promoted by the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (ABCM), which is held every two years in different cities around Brazil.

      This time, the conference is being organized by the Francisco Eduardo Mourão Saboya Mechanical Engineering Program, from Universidade Federal Fluminense (PGMEC-UFF). The program is named after Prof. F.E.M. Saboya, in tribute to his pioneering work and dedication to the progress of thermal sciences. Prof. Saboya was a founding member of PGMEC and was actively involved in the development of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering throughout Brazil.

      The 14th ENCIT will be hosted at the worldwide-renowned city of Rio de Janeiro, commonly known as the “Marvelous City” (Cidade Maravilhosa), right across Copacabana Beach, one of the most famous on the globe. Rio is the most visited city in the southern hemisphere, being widely-known for its natural beauty, music, and famous landmarks, including one of the New Seven Wonders of the World – the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) atop Corcovado mountain.

      Besides tourist attractions, Rio is the second largest research center in Brazil, accounting for almost 20% of the nationwide scientific production, and being home of many of the largest universities in the Country, including UFF. The City of Rio has been going through notable infrastructure improvements, as it will be hosting the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, as well as several matches for the 2014 FIFA World Cup (including the awaited final), which has been facilitating transportation and accommodation in Rio.

      In 2012, ENCIT will have different symposia in which participants will be able to share their ideas in a number of technical sessions and round table discussions, as well as experience state-of-the art developments presented in invited keynote lectures. We are looking forward to receiving your contribution for ENCIT 2012, and meeting you in Rio de Janeiro.


      Pre-submission: December 16th
      Draft Paper: April 2nd 
      Acceptance Notification: May 21st
      Early Registration: June 15th
      Final Paper: August 3rd

      MORE INFORMATION: www.encit2012.org 



    • Conferências Diversas

    • Fonte: Prof. Claudio Ruggieri (USP)


      • 19th European Conference on Fracture
        26 a 31 de agosto de 2012, Kazan/Russia
        Mais informações: http://www.ecf19.ru/


      • The 4th International Conference on “Crack Paths” (CP 2012)
        19 a 21 de setembro de 2012 ,Gaeta /Italy.
        Mais informações : http://www.cp2012.unipr.it/


      • ICEFA V – Fifth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis 
        01 a 04 de julho de 2012 Hilton Hotel, The Hague/The Netherlands
        Mais informações: http://www.icefaconference.com/


      • 13th International Conference on Fracture
        26 a 31 de maio de 2013,Beijing /China
        Mais informações: http://www.icf13.org/



    • WCCM 2012 – 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics

    • 08 a 13 de julho de 2012 São Paulo/Brasil.
      Fonte: Prof. Paulo Roberto Maciel Lyra (UFPE)


      Mini Symposium on MS-005 – Advanced Gridding and Discretization Techniques for Petroleum Reservoir Simulation

      to be held at:
      São Paulo, Brazil, 8 -13 July 2012.

      ORGANIZERS: Paulo R. M. Lyra, Clovis R. Maliska, Darlan K. E. Carvalho, Michael G. Edwards, Regis K. Romeu

      OBJECTIVES: The mini-symposium is dedicated to the discussion of recent developments and applications in the field of Numerical Simulation of Petroleum Reservoirs and related disciplines, including new gridding and numerical formulations. The goal is to bring together researchers, students and professionals in the field of Petroleum Reservoir Simulation and related areas. The scope of the mini-symposium ranges from the mathematical and computational methods to the modeling and simulation of challenging applications in petroleum reservoir simulation.

      Web page for WCCM 2012: http://www.wccm2012.com/

      Best regards,
      Paulo R. M. Lyra, Clovis R. Maliska, Darlan K. E. Carvalho, Michael G. Edwards, Regis K. Romeu




    • Concurso Público Magistério Superior – Professor Adjunto – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    • Inscrições: 13 de outubro a 11 de novembro de 2011
      Fonte: Prof. Marcelo Colaço (UFRJ)

      Mais informações: Clique aqui



    • Concurso Público Magistério Superior – Professor Assistente – Campus Experimental de Sorocaba/UNESP

    • Inscrições: 17 de outubro a 18 de novembro de 2011
      Fonte: Profª. Katia Lucchesi Cavalca (UNICAMP)

      Mais informações: Clique aqui e aqui.