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    Semana de 21 à 27 de Fevereiro de 2025


    10th International Combustion Institute Winter School (CI-WS)

    July 21st - 25th 2025, Campinas - SP – Brazil


    We are happy to announce the call for abstracts for the 10th International Combustion Institute Winter School (CI-WS), to be held between July 21st and 25th in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.

    The International Combustion Institute Winter School is a biennial event, hosted in Brazil since 2007. Organized by the Combustion Institute, the Brazilian National Combustion Network, and the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (ABCM), this event has become a cornerstone for advancing combustion research and fostering collaboration. The School provides a unique platform for researchers and students in the combustion field to gather for an enriching educational experience. Designed to strengthen the global combustion research community, the program offers an educational experience led by esteemed combustion experts. Our primary goal is to equip graduate and undergraduate students from Latin America and worldwide with in-depth knowledge of combustion science and energy technologies. Therefore, the event will feature short courses, master lectures, poster sessions, technical visits, and vibrant social activities, fostering a promising environment for learning, networking, and exchanging ideas.

    The 10th event in this series will welcome expert researchers from South America, North America and Europe to give keynote lectures and short courses on chemical kinetics, diagnostics, turbulent combustion, biomass and two-phase combustion, fires, and combustion instability, among other topics. We are expecting between 100 and 150 students from all around Brazil and from other countries in South America. As it is traditional from previous Combustion Schools, scholarships will be offered to students selected by the Organizing Committee. The scholarships will cover accommodation, transportation and meal costs.

    The submission of applications of students for scholarships is open between February 24th and March 23rd. More information about the submission process can be found on the School website.

    We hope to see you in Campinas!


    School on Combustion - Organizing Committee



    Don't miss the opportunity to submit your abstract for COBEM 2025!

    Final deadline: February 23, 2025

    Click here for more information. 

    We'll be waiting for you in Curitiba!


    Prêmio ABCM-PIPELINEBRAZIL – Prazo de submissão estendido!



    O prazo para submissão do Prêmio ABCM-PIPELINEBRAZIL foi estendido até 28/03!


    Clique aqui para acessar o edital. 



    Concursos e Processos Seletivos


    Oportunidade de bolsa de pós-doutorado FAPESP

    Fonte: Prof. Guilherme Rosa Franzini (USP)


    O Projeto Temático FAPESP “Aplicações da dinâmica não linear em engenharia” dispõe de vagas para bolsistas de pós-doutorado. O(A) candidato(a) deve ter concluído o doutorado em área correlata à do projeto em instituição de excelência. Durante a pesquisa, o(a) pesquisador(a) trabalhará em um grupo multidepartamental da Escola Politécnica da USP em problemas de dinâmica não linear de diversas áreas da engenharia. Os (As) candidatos(as) devem comprovar competências prévias em simulação numérica, métodos analíticos ou experimentais. Os (As) interessados(as) devem enviar um currículo resumido (máximo de 3 páginas) e uma carta de motivação para o Prof. Guilherme Franzini via e-mail gfranzini@usp.br até 7/3. Eventualmente, poderão ser realizadas entrevistas por videoconferência.