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    Semana de 14 à 20 de Junho de 2024





    MECSOL 2024 – New deadline for Draft Paper submission


    Dear colleague,


    This is a reminder of the new deadline for Draft Paper submission for the 9th Symposium on Solid Mechanics - Mecsol 2024: June 23, 2024


    Mecsol is the leading Brazilian conference in solid mechanics, is promoted biennially by the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - ABCM. This edition will be held in Florianopolis, Brazil, from October 21 to 23, 2024.


    Mecsol 2024 will bring together scientists, students, and professionals working on the most prominent problems in solid mechanics. The conference aims to create productive discussion and collaboration opportunities in experimental, numerical, and theoretical problems, and engineering applications, and we invite you to contribute to this discussion with your expertise.



    Please visit Mecsol 2024's website for more information and to submit your draft paper.


    We are looking forward to seeing you in Florianopolis!



    Organizing Committee –


    Paulo de Tarso R Mendonça

    Eduardo A. Fancello


    Concursos e Processos Seletivos

    New 4-year PDRA position at University of Glasgow

    Source: Prof. Gustavo Rabello (COPPE/UFRJ)


    New 4-year PDRA position at University of Glasgow, deadline 11th July 2024

    The University of Glasgow is offering a unique opportunity for a Research Associate to make a leading contribution to the Centre for Future Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Planning.  The vision of the Centre is to develop novel and robust mathematical and statistical methodologies, supported by large clinical data sets, to create computational tools for optimisation of cardiovascular procedures. Based within the James Watt School of Engineering, you will work closely with colleagues from Mathematics & Statistics, Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health and Politecnico di Torino, as well as several leading international clinical centres and medical devices/imaging companies. 

    You will work on the development of a range of mathematical models and their numerical solution, covering areas including patient geometry reconstruction, fluid-structure interaction, soft tissue mechanics, growth and remodelling and multiphysics modelling. You should have a PhD, or have equivalent experience, in Applied Mathematics, Physics, Computational Engineering, or a related discipline. You should have theoretical and practical knowledge of building multiphysics mathematical models and numerically solving them. Experience in patient geometry reconstruction from medical imaging, soft tissue mechanics and fluid-structure interaction modelling would be desirable.

    You will also be expected to contribute to the formulation and submission of research publications and research proposals as well as help manage and direct this complex and challenging project, as opportunities allow.

    For more details on the vacancy (147648) and to apply,  please visit the university webpage.



    Informal enquiries about the role are welcomed, and should be addressed to Dr Sean McGinty, sean.mcginty@glasgow.ac.uk



    Oportunidade de Bolsa - UFSC

    Fonte: Prof. Jaime Lozano (UFSC)




    Projeto “Engenharia em Perspectiva”

    Fonte: Prof. Renato Vargas (USP)



    O projeto tem por objetivo discutir aspectos históricos e temas contemporâneos da Engenharia nacional por meio de entrevistas com acadêmicos, engenheiros, empresários e representantes de entidades de classe.


    Para mais informações, clique aqui