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    Semana 16 a 22 de Fevereiro de 2024        





    MECSOL 2024 - 9th International Symposium on Solid Mechanics



    The 9th International Symposium on Solid Mechanics (MECSOL 2024) is a biennial conference promoted by the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering – ABCM, and organized by it's Committee of Solid Mechanics. This edition will be held in Florianópolis, Brazil, from October 21st to 23rd, 2024.


    The goal of Mecsol 2024 is to be a platform to present and discuss the most recent problems and solutions in the industry and academy in solid mechanics. In this international platform we will gather scientists, students, and professionals in the vanguard of the most challenging problems in these areas. The conference will create productive discussion and collaboration opportunities in its application, experimental, numerical, and theoretical aspects.



    The deadline for abstract submission is 10/03.



    Click here for more information.



    Announcing the GoAERO Prize

    Source: Prof. Joao Luiz Azevedo (DCTA/IAE/ALA)




    Dear Colleagues,


    We are happy to bring to your attention the creation of The GoAERO Prize, a global competition catalyzing the creation of Emergency Response Flyers. GoAERO is a 3-year global competition with over $2 million in total prizes to build Emergency Response Flyers that will rescue people and perform critical response missions. The competition intends to catalyze the creation of safe, portable, robust, autonomy-enabled flyers that respond to challenges posed by natural disasters, climate change, medical emergencies and humanitarian crises. These flyers will be able to perform missions that cannot currently be accomplished through traditional aerial response vehicles. Competitor teams will benefit from GoAERO’s extensive network of aerospace experts through mentorships, trainings, access to software and much more.


    We are proud to announce that ABCM has partnered with The GoAERO Prize, along with Boeing, NASA, RTX, Iridium, Xwing ​​and 20+ organizational partners including AIAA, AAMS, AUVSI, RAeS, VFS, ICAS, and 3AF. GoAERO is offering $2+ Million in prizes for the best thinkers, creators, and inventors to build Emergency Response Flyers and stretch and challenge their minds to unlock a new era of disaster and rescue response. These flyers will perform rescue missions and help close a critical gap in emergency response technology.


    The Challenge: Build a safe, portable, robust, autonomy-enabled flyer that responds to challenges posed by natural disasters, medical emergencies, climate change and humanitarian crises.


    The Prize: The GoAERO Prize is a three-year competition with prizes over $2,000,000.


    ●  Stage 1 - Best Technical Paper and Project Plan. 10 prizes. $10,000 each. 

    ●  Stage 2 - Best concept validation— with full scale or subscale flyer. 8 prizes. $40,000 each.

    ●  Stage 3 - Culminating in a Final Fly-Off with prize awards totaling $1,700,000.


    Form A Team: The competition is calling on entrepreneurs, innovators, engineers, students, and companies to create Emergency Response Flyers that save lives.


    At each stage of the competition, teams will have access to the world’s leading experts in aviation, emergency response, and business to help innovators along the way, including specialists in aircraft design, systems engineering, fabrication and testing, and funding. Please find more information at Join the Competition




    EVR 2024 – 7ª Escola de Verão de Refrigeração


    A 7ª Escola de Verão de Refrigeração terá nessa edição 27 palestras de especialistas da indústria e academia, além de 3 minicursos de 4 horas. Esse evento traz a temática “Refrigeração e Ar-Condicionado – Inovação e Sustentabilidade”, levando à discussão de temas como a refrigeração e o ar-condicionado estão inseridos no nosso dia a dia, seja através do controle de conforto térmico ou da qualidade do ar em ambientes, da preservação de insumos ou de alimentos, da redução de consumo energético, inovação tecnológica de produtos e sistemas, além do respeito ao meio ambiente com vistas à sustentabilidade.


    O evento será realizado no formato presencial, de 26/02/2024 a 01/03/2024. Essa edição será organizada pelo Grupo de Pesquisa do Laboratório de Energia, Sistemas Térmicos e Nanotecnologia da Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.



    Clique aqui para mais informações.



    Concursos e Processos Seletivos


    Bolsa de pós-doutorado FAPESP

    Fonte: Prof. Leonardo Alves (UFF)


    A Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo (EESC-USP) em colaboração com o Laboratório de Aeronáutica da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) e o Laboratório de Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) está buscando um pesquisador qualificado para uma posição de pós-doutorado no tema: Simulações numéricas diretas de fluidos supercríticos, relacionada com o Projeto Temático da auspiciado pela FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo), intitulado: Estudo de Fenômenos de Transporte Aplicados a Tecnologias Emergentes de Conversão e Armazenamento de Energia, sob coordenação do professor Luben Cabezas Gómez, da EESC-USP.



    Clique aqui para mais informações.



    Call for Applications: Post-Doctoral Positions at PUCPR, Curitiba-Brazil

    Fonte: Prof. Nathan Mendes (PUC-PR)


    We are happy to announce the availability of five post-doctoral positions, within our Graduate programs in Sustainable and Smart Cities and in Mechanical Engineering, financially supported by the Fundação Araucária (Research Agency located in the city of Curitiba, Brazil).


    The whole project seeks motivated and talented individuals to join our research team to address climate challenges through research, innovation, public policies, and interinstitutional collaboration, towards the development of resilient and sustainable cities, addressing issues such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, indoor air quality and environmental sustainability.


    Research activities and scholarships are divided into 5 calls:




    Main requirement: PhD in Engineering or Architecture

    Monthly value: R$5.125,00



    Main requirement: BSc and PhD in a field with knowledge in computational code development

    Monthly value: R$5.500,00



    Main requirement: PhD in Engineering or Architecture

    Monthly value: R$5.125,00



    Main requirement: BSc and PhD in Production Engineering or in Business Administration, Management, Economics, or related fields

    Monthly value: R$5.500,00



    Main requirement: BSc and PhD in in Environmental or Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Meteorology, or a related field

    Monthly value: R$5.500,00



    Each scholarship is awarded for an initial period of 36 months, with the continuation assessed every 12 months.


    If you or someone you know possesses the skills and interest, I encourage you to apply or share this opportunity widely.


    Closing date: 22th March 2024



    Click here to apply.