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    Semana de 2 a 8 de Dezembro de 2022





    CLAGTEE 2022 – Programação Final     

    Fonte: Prof. José Luz Silveira (UNESP)



    A programação final do XIV Latin-American Congress on Electricity Generation and Transmission - CLAGTEE 2022 já está disponível.


    Clique aqui para acessar a programação.


    Clique aqui para acessar o site do evento.



    COMPDYN 2023 - Call for papers: MS26

    Source: Prof. Americo Cunha (UERJ)


    MS26 "Non-deterministic model updating and health monitoring with uncertainty treatment" is being organized at the "9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering" (COMPDYN 2023), June 12-14, Athens, Greece. The deadline for submitting abstracts is December 20th, 2022.


    Abstracts must be submitted exclusively through the Conference website. In order to submit your abstract, first you need to register at the Conference website. After completing this pre-registration form (alternatively click Register at the top-right of the Conference webpage), you will receive an email to validate your Account. After validation, you will receive a second email with your username and password, which will be used to login to your COMPDYN 2023 Account. From your Account Overview Menu click My Abstracts/My Papers, click Submit an Abstract, choose Submit to Minisymposium and enter the MS code: MS-26-CAC and proceed with the Abstract Submission following the instructions.


    Click here to access the website.


    Click here for more information.



    EMI 2023/MS-203: Computational Methods for Stochastic Engineering Dynamics

    Source: Prof. Americo Cunha (UERJ)



    MS-203: Computational Methods for Stochastic Engineering Dynamics is being organized at the:

    EMI 2023 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference

    June 6th - 9th, 2023 

    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA


    Click here for more information.



    For abstract submission, please use the online submission system of the Conference and refer to the Mini-Symposium MS-203 in the system.


    Abstract submission DEADLINE is January 15, 2023


    Click here to access the submissions.