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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 123/09 – AzCIFToMM 2010 Call for Papers

    AzCIFToMM 2010
    International Symposiumof Mechanismand MachineScience October5-8,2010
    IYTE-Izmir Instituteof Technology, Izmir,Turkey
    First Announcementand Callfor Papers
    Web Page: azciftomm2010.iyte.edu.tr

    1. OrganizationCommittee
    The International Symposium on Mechanism and Machine Science 2010 (ISMMS 2010) is organized by Azerbaijan Committee of International Federation for Promotion of MMS(Prof.Dr.Sc.RasimAlizade), NationalAviationAcademy, Azerbaijan (Academician Prof.Dr.Sc.ArifPashayev), andIzmirInstituteof Technology, Turkey(Prof.Dr.B.Zafer Ilken).

    2. International ScientificCommittee
    RasimAlizade Turkey RamizA.Sadigov Azerbaijan
    ArifPashayev Azerbaijan Eres Söylemez Turkey
    B.Zafer Ilken Turkey Abdulkadir Erdem Turkey
    BernardRoth USA Kemal Özgören Turkey
    V.S.Siromyathikov Russia Bülent Yardimoglu Turkey
    AyazAbdullayev Azerbaijan SerhanÖzdemir Turkey
    AlishirAlifov Russia CanDede Turkey
    Adalat Samedov Azerbaijan ÖzgurKilit Turkey
    NazimMirnasiri Australia KorayKorkmaz Turkey DanZhang Canada

    3. SymposiumTopics

    3. Symposium Topics
    The International Symposium is one of the largest conferences that will cover the generalareas of the theory and practice of mechanisms and machines. The programs cover sections of relevanceto MMS;

    • Structural Synthesis andKineticArchitecture, SsKa
    • Computational KinematicSynthesis and Analysis, CkSa
    • Linkages, Cams, Gearing and Transmissions, LcGt
    • Dynamics and Vibrations ofMachinery,DvM
    • Mechanisms of Flyingand SpaceMachinery, MfSm
    • Control Systems, Cs
    • Mechatronics, Mc
    • Robotics, Rb
    • Nanotechnology and Micromechanisms, NtMm
    • Education, Ed

    4. Proceedings
    AzC IFToMM 2010 Proceedings will become an important part of the literature on fundamental MMS. ACD will contain thekeylecturesand scientificpapers that arepresented duringtheSymposium, and will be available at conferenceweb site.

    5. Lectures andForums
    Thescientific and technical programwill include;

    • Key Lectures on topics ofmechanismand machinescience.
    • Presentation of acceptedpapers offerreview in nineoral sessions.
    • Unofficial forum on topics in mechanical engineering and exchange of ideas among symposium attendees. Topics could be in the field design, technology transfer, controlsystem, robotics and mechatronics, computerscience, spaceand flyingmachinery, environment, communication, transportation and etc.

    6. Paper Submissions and Deadlines

    6.1 Papers
    Fullversionofthepapershouldbesubmittedthroughthe symposium website before 1st March, 2010. Papers will be reviewed by the appropriate technical committees of AzC IFToMM, and special technical commission of ISMMS when submitted. A decision on whetherornota paper is acceptedto publication willbenotifiedby1st May,2010together withthe reviewers’comments formodification. Final versionshould be made availableby1st June, 2010. Final decision of acceptancewill benotified not laterthan 1st July, 2010.

    6.2 Instructionto Authors
    Papers shouldbemaximumten pages, 5.0Mb perfile, andfirstlysubmittedin PDF format. There is no exception for the size of the file and the total number of pages. The editing rules are described on the website under the heading, Paper Submission in detail. Electronic filesofthecomplete papers shouldbesubmittedinpostscript, or MSWord format totheAzCIFToMM, ISMMS2010secretariat. Ifyoucannotsubmit yourpaperthroughthe web site please send its hard copy with CD including papers and digital files to the symposiumsecretariat.

    7. RegistrationRequirement
    Publication of theacceptedpaperin the proceedingsison thebasisthatatleastoneof theauthorsmustregister andpresentthe paperatthesymposium. Inthecaseswheremore thantwopapers havethesamenameaseither theprincipleauthorortheco-author, anextra publication fee for each additional paper will be charged, if only one of the authors will present at thesymposium.

    8. Contact

    Prof. Dr. Tech. Sc. Rasim Alizade E-Mail: rasimalizade@iyte.edu.tr, Phone: +90 232 750 6544

    Res. Asst. Erkin Gezgin
    E-Mail: erkingezgin@iyte.edu.tr
    Phone: +90 232 750 6603

    Res. Asst. Yenal Akgün
    E-Mail: yenalakgun@iyte.edu.tr
    Phone: +90 232 750 7026

    ISMMS2010 Secretariat
    IzmirInstituteofTechnology, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    E-Mail:: azciftomm2010@iyte.edu.tr
    Phone: +90 232 750 7800 | Fax:+90 232 750 7890