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  • Informe de Eventos - ENCIT 2022












    Dear Authors:


    The Organizing Committee of the 19th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering - ENCIT 2022 - is very pleased to announce that the conference management system is opened for submission of abstracts.


    After the pandemic restrictions of 2020, when the conference was held online, it is our greatest expectation that ENCIT 2022 will mark its return to the in-person format, this time in the beautiful region of Bento Gonçalves, Serra Gaucha, cherished for the Italian heritage, its exuberant countryside views and numerous attractive vineyards – the perfect setting for the thermal sciences community to come together again.


    For submission, please access Paper Submission in Author's Guidelines in the conference website, where detailed information is available regarding the submission and revision processes, access the website here


    You may also check the website of the conference to look at some updates, such as the Technical Program (Symposia) and the registration fees.


    The website will soon provide information about hotel reservation and to assist on your travel planning to attend the conference.


    You are also invited to follow us on Instagram:




    The Organizing Committee of ENCIT 2022