Semana de 22 a 28 de Janeiro de 2021
EventosNLR - Jaap Schijve Award
Source: Prof. Domingos Rade (ITA)
The Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) and Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands have established a biennial award for young and talented researchers in the field of Aircraft Structural Fatigue and Damage Tolerance. It is named after Professor Jaap Schijve and consists of a token and a prize of € 5,000.-.
We have now started the process of finding an appropriate candidate for the 2021 award. If you know of someone who, in your opinion, qualifies for this award, we would like to invite you to nominate her or him.
Traditionally we present the award during the biennial symposium of ICAF – the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity. We have done this for the first time in 2009, in Rotterdam. Owing to the covid-19 pandemic, however, the biennial ICAF symposium that was planned for 2021 has been deferred until 2023. We will therefore present the Jaap Schijve Award 2021 during a short free-of-charge webinar that will be organized by ICAF in the first week of June 2021. We expect the award recipient to provide a short presentation during this webinar of the work that has earned him or her the award; for this purpose a 25-minute time slot will be made available.
Eligible candidates from Brazil should first contact the Brazilian delegate of ICAF (e-mail to for details. The application should be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from either the delegate or another acknowledged expert in the field of aeronautical fatigue, preferably the supervising professor.
OutrosJoão Luiz Filgueiras de Azevedo é eleito presidente do ICAS
O ex-diretor e atual conselheiro da ABCM Prof. João Luiz Filgueiras de Azevedo assumiu, no início de janeiro, a presidência do International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS). Membro do comitê executivo do ICAS desde 2012, Azevedo é o primeiro brasileiro eleito presidente da entidade e terá mandato de dois anos.
“O Brasil é membro do ICAS há muitos anos, representado pela Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas (ABCM) desde 1992. O país também possui a terceira maior fabricante de aeronaves no mundo, que é a Embraer. Minha indicação à presidência da entidade é reflexo da importância do Brasil no setor aeronáutico mundial”, disse Azevedo à Agência FAPESP.
Alguns dos planos do pesquisador à frente do ICAS é assegurar a continuidade da agenda de atividades da entidade, que é patrocinada por empresas do setor aeronáutico, um dos mais afetados pela pandemia de COVID-19, e aumentar a presença virtual da associação.
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