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    Semana de 18 a 24 de dezembro de 2020





    CHT21 – Abstract Submission Deadline

    Source: Prof. Gherhardt Ribatski (EESC/USP)



    This is a gentle reminder that December 18 is the deadline for the submission of abstracts to the 8th International Symposium on ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL HEAT TRANSFER – CHT-21.


    We have been following quite closely the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world. At the same time that record numbers of infections are observed in the United States and Europe, great hope is deposited on the success of the vaccination that is about to begin in different countries. The situation in Brazil is not different of other countries regarding the second wave of infections, but a date has not yet been fixed for the beginning of vaccination.


    CHT-21 is organized in a hybrid format, with in-person and online presentations, during August 15 – August 19, 2021. If conditions are safe for participants, the on-site meeting will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Otherwise, the Symposium may be held fully online.


    The International Symposium on ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL HEAT TRANSFER is the major event in this field, organized under the auspices of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer – ICHMT. In its 8th edition, it will count with Lectures of prominent scientists, covering fundamental aspects and applications of Computational Heat Transfer.


    A Call for Papers is attached to this message. Please consider submitting your abstract and participating in CHT-21. We would appreciate if you could also give wide publicity to CHT-21 and let other potential participants know about the dates and the Symposium format.


    Extended abstracts and full papers submitted to CHT-20 were not processed due to the pandemic. Please resubmit your CHT-20 abstract or any other abstract of your most recent work to CHT-21, by following the instructions found at.


    We are looking forward to receiving your abstract submitted to CHT-21 by December 18. 


    Click here to submit your abstract. 


    Click here for more information. 



    ASC Conference – Call for Papers

    Source: Prof. Antonio Ferreira Avila (UFMG)



    American Society for Composites 36th Technical Conference – September 19 – 22, 2021 (VIRTUAL)



    Click here for more information. 





    Pesquisa investiga efeitos da pandemia na produção científica brasileira

    Fonte: ABEC Brasil



    "Impactos da pandemia da Covid-19 sobre a publicação e editoração científica" é o nome da pesquisa on-line que tem sido realizada conjuntamente por Unicamp, Universidade Federal de Pelotas e Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea). A iniciativa objetiva avaliar os efeitos da pandemia na produção científica entre pesquisadores do Brasil. A participação consiste em responder a um questionário curto e objetivo, por meio do celular, computador ou tablet, com duração aproximada de 10 minutos. O levantamento permitirá conhecer as iniciativas desenvolvidas pelos periódicos científicos para abordar as desigualdades de gênero e raça na publicação e as mudanças ocorridas nas revistas no âmbito da pandemia.



    Clique aqui para participar da pesquisa.