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    Semana de 5 a 11 de junho de 2020





    ICF15 – 15th International Conference on Fracture

    13th - 18th of June 2021 – Atlanta, Georgia

    Source: Prof. Claudio Ruggieri (USP)



    Founded in 1965, the International Congress on Fracture is one of the premier international bodies promoting worldwide cooperation among scientists and engineers dealing with mechanics and mechanisms of fracture and strength of solids. The conference is held every four years, and ICF15 will be returning to the continental United States after 32 years.


    This conference will focus on the latest interdisciplinary research in the field of fracture and is a must attend event for senior and young researchers, students, post-doctoral fellows, and industry professionals working in the field of fracture throughout the world.


    Authors will have the option to submit short papers to be included in the proceedings of the conference or full length papers for publication in special issues of one of several established journals in the field by special arrangements.



    Click here to access the website. 


    Click here for more information. 




    12º MERCOFRIO – Comunicado

    2 à 4 de Março de 2021 – Porto Alegre, RS

    Fonte: Apoio ABCM




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