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  • Informe de Eventos - ENCIT 2020 to be held online








    Dear Authors:


    First of all, we make wishes that you all are in good health.

    As the organizers of ENCIT 2020 conference, we have been dealing with the uncertainties caused by the relentless spread of the coronavirus abroad and in Brazil. Now that we are reaching the mid of the year, with no clear signs that the conditions will improve this year to the point in which a large conference meeting can be hold with safety in Brazil, we made the decision to shift ENCIT 2020 to the online format.

    Besides protecting the health of the conference attendees and presenters, holding ENCIT 2020 online will allow extending the deadlines for submission of the extended abstracts and full papers, considering that a large number of authors are facing difficulties to carry on their researches with the temporary closing of universities and research centers. Moreover, it will also allow a substantial reduction in the registration fees (to be informed soon).

    The new deadline for submission of the extended abstracts and full papers is now July 27th. In submitting your manuscript, please make sure that you follow the Author’s Guidelines in the conference website.


    The website will be soon updated to present the new registration fees, and to provide detailed information about the format of the online conference.

    Holding ENCIT 2020 in the online format will be a challenge, but will also open new possibilities in a time that asks for resilience and hard work. It is with this spirit of confidence in the strength of the community of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering that we once again invite you all to submit your research papers to ENCIT 2020.


    Very best regards,


    Organizing Committee of ENCIT 2020


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