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  • Informe de Eventos - ENCIT 2020 (ERRATA)








    Dear Authors:

    In a period of great uncertainty with the Covid-19 pandemic, the Organizing Committee of the 18th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering – ENCIT 2020 – remains committed with the effort to provide best possible organization of the conference, keeping optimistic that the situation will improve to allow the world to return to normality in the next few months. In this spirit of optimism, we reinforce our invitation for the community of the thermal sciences to submit the extended abstract in the conference website.

    Recognizing that the temporary closing of universities and research centers in the country and world may cause difficulties to a considerable number of authors, the deadline for submitting the extended abstract has been postponed from April 27th to May 27th, 2020.

    Please, check the website for instructions to prepare extended abstract:


    Among other information, you will find the newly updated dates regarding the manuscript submission and review process.

    Very best wishes,

    Organizing Committee of ENCIT 2020


    You are also invited to follow us on Instagram:






    We look forward to greeting you in Bento Gonçalves, Serra Gaúcha, one of the most beautiful regions of Brazil, cherished for the Italian heritage, its exuberant countryside views and numerous attractive vineyards – the perfect setting for a most productive, enjoyable conference.


    The Organizing Committee of ENCIT 2020