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    Semana de 14 a 20 de fevereiro de 2020






    MDA 2020 – Call for Papers

    25 – 26 June 2020 – Porto, Portugal

    Source: Prof. Volnei Tita (EESC-USP)



    We would like to inform you that the 3rd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications 2020 will take place in Porto, Portugal, 25-26 June 2020. The conference venue is the campus of Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), which offers excellent facilities for high quality scientific interactions. FEUP is located in the town of Porto in the Northern region of Portugal. Porto is a beautiful and lively city, steeped in history and rich in great experiences. With its magnificent location by the Atlantic coast, Porto is the city of the world famous Port Wine and the River Douro.


    The focus is on fundamental research and application areas in the field of the design and application of engineering materials, predominantly within the context of mechanical engineering applications such as automobile, railway, marine, aerospace, biomedical, pressure vessel technology, turbine technology, etc. This includes a wide range of materials engineering and technology, including metals, e.g., lightweight metallic materials, polymers, composites, and ceramics. Advanced applications would include manufacturing in the new or newer materials, testing methods, multi-scale experimental and computational aspects (e.g. micro- and nano-scale techniques).


    The scientific committee includes A Akhavan-Safar (INEGI, Portugal), A Barroso (University of Seville, Spain), A Ferreira (University of Porto, Portugal), A A Fernandes (University of Porto, Portugal), A J Brunner (EMPA Duebendorf, Switzerland), A Pirondi (Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy), A Rodríguez-Prieto (UNED, Spain), A Torres Marques (University of Porto, Portugal), A Ureña (University of Rey Juan Carlos, Spain), B Vaidhyanathan (Loughborough University, UK), B Kasal (Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research, Germany), C McCarthy (University of Limerick, Ireland), C Sato (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), D Chen (Ryerson University, Canada), D M Constantinescu (University Politechnica of Bucharest, Romania), E Dragoni (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy), F Berto (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), F Jacquemin (University of Nantes, France), F J Lino Alves (University of Porto, Portugal), F S C Silva (University of Minho, Portugal), F Tornabene (University of Salento, Italy),  F Vaz (IST, Portugal), H C Rodrigues (IST, Portugal), J Abenojar (University of Carlos III, Spain), J A M Ferreira (University of Coimbra, Portugal), J-F Chatelain (École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada), J F Ferrero (Université Toulouse III, France), J J L Morais (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal), J P Davim (University of Aveiro, Portugal), J Seabra (University of Porto, Portugal), K Dilger (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany), Ł Sadowski (Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland), M Quaresimin (University of Padova, Italy), M R Ayatollahi (Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran), M Vieira (University of Porto, Portugal) N Carrere (Safran, France), P J Bártolo (University of Manchester, UK), P Martins (IST, Portugal), P Tavares de Castro (University of Porto, Portugal), R Benedictus (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands), R Carbas (INEGI, Portugal), R D Adams (University of Oxford, UK), R Natal (University of Porto, Portugal), S de Barros (CEFET/RJ, Brazil), S Leen (NUI Galway, Ireland), S Mezlini (Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Monastir, Tunisia), V Tita (University of São Paulo, Brazil), W D Li (Dalian University of Technology, China) and Y Bar-Cohen (NASA, USA).


    Authors who wish to make a presentation (oral or poster) are requested to submit a short abstract (one single A4 page possibly with a diagram and references) in English, by 6 March 2020. The abstracts should be sent electronically to lucas@fe.up.pt  . The abstract template can be downloaded from the conference web site.


    Conference proceedings (CD-ROM) with the accepted abstracts will be available at registration. The CD-ROM will have an ISBN number. Full papers will be published in special issues of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications (SAGE), Science and Engineering of Composite Materials (DE GRUYTER, no fees involved) and in a book of the book series Advanced Structured Materials (SPRINGER) (provided they meet the quality standards). The full papers (not compulsory) should be sent to: lucas@fe.up.pt before the 25th of June 2020. The text should be in single column format and double line spacing.


    Important dates:

    6 March 2020 – Abstract Submission deadline

    31 March 2020 – Notification of acceptance to authors

    17 April 2020 – Early bird registration (registration form available in the Conference website)



    Click here for more information.



    ICoEV 2020 – Prazo final para submissão de trabalhos

    18 a 21 de Agosto de 2020 – Abeerdeen, Scotland

    Fonte: Prof. Americo Cunha (UERJ)



    O prazo final para a submissão de trabalhos para a International Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICoEV 2020) é dia 28/02/2020. Registre-se online no site da conferência.



    Clique aqui para acessar o site da conferência.



    IUTAM Symposia and Summer Schools – Call for proposals

    Source: Prof. Marcello Augusto Faraco de Medeiros (EESC-USP)



    This is a kind reminder that the call for proposals for IUTAM Symposia and Summer Schools to be held in 2022 or 2023 is open. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2020. Proposals must be submitted online on the IUTAM website. The proposals will be evaluated by the Symposia Panels. Final decisions will be made at the meeting of the General Assembly of IUTAM to be held in Milan, Italy in August 2020.



    Click here to make a submission.




    Concurso Público para professor Efetivo de magistério superior

    Fonte: Prof. Thiago Parente Lima (ICT/UFVJM)



    Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Campus JK, na cidade de Diamantina, MG. Instruções específicas:


    Área: Fenômenos de Transporte e Engenharia Térmica

    Titulação: Graduação em Engenharia e Doutorado em Engenharia

    Vagas: 01

    Inscrições: de 24 de Fevereiro de 2020 a 01 de maio de 2020


    Clique aqui para acessar o edital.




    Bolsa de pós-doutorado

    Fonte: Prof. Oscar M. H. Rodriguez (EESC-USP)



    Título do projeto: “Elaboração de metodologias para avaliação de parâmetros operacionais sobre o desempenho da medição de vazão de escoamentos multifásicos”


    Categoria do candidato: Recém-doutor em engenharia


    Valor da bolsa: R$ 6.900,00


    Observação importante: O candidato selecionado trabalhará na Universidade de São Paulo (USP), campus São Carlos, mas terá que se inscrever como pós doc no Programa de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - PPGEM/UFES, segundo resolução Cun/UFES no. 46/2013.



    Pós-doutorado na Universidade de Maryland

    Fonte: Prof. Francis H. R. França (DEMEC/EE/UFRGS)


    Contato: Prof. Michael Ohadi - ohadi@umd.edu



    Clique aqui para mais informações.



    Prêmio Charreau

    Fonte: SBPC



    A Associação Argentina para o Progresso da Ciência está promovendo o Prêmio Charreau, junto a OEI e a AAPC em homenagem ao Dr. Eduardo Charreau.



    Clique aqui para mais informações.


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