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    Semana de 1 a 7 de novembro de 2019






    BPG on CFD of Turbulent Combustion – ERCOFTAC Course

    11th and 12th December, 2019 – Bruxelles, Belgium

    Fonte: Prof. Oscar M. H. Rodriguez (EESC/USP)




    Would you like to learn about the best practices for CFD of turbulent combustion?


    Would you like to learn how machine learning techniques can help you to bring down the cost of and increase the accuracy of your CFD model simulations of reacting flows?


    Would you like to have the opportunity to discuss your questions on CFD of turbulent combustion with leading experts of the field?


    Then, take the opportunity to register for the forthcoming ERCOFTAC course on Best practices guidelines for CFD of turbulent combustion; Including thorough introduction to machine learning tools for chemistry reduction and error estimation.


    It will take place on December 11 and 12, 2019 at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium hosted by Prof. Alessandro Parente.


    This two-day course is of particular interest for researchers in academia and industry working on the application of CFD to design and operation of modern combustion systems (gas turbine engines, IC engines, process furnaces, etc.). The course provides best practice guidelines for the use of turbulent combustion models. It also explains how machine-learning techniques provide genuinely new approaches for lowering the cost and increasing the proven accuracy of turbulent combustion simulations.


    Five lectures will bring an excellent inspiring program. They are: Prof. Alberto Cuoci (Politecnico di Milano), Prof. Alessandro Parente (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Prof. Heinz Pistch (RWTH Aachen), Prof Dirk Roekaerts (Delf University of Technology) and Prof. Luc Vervish (National Institute of Applied Sciences, Rouen Normandy University).


    ERCOFTAC members benefit from a reduced fee.



    For more information and registration, click here




    ICTAM 2020 – 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

    23rd to 28th August, 2020 – Milano, Italy

    Fonte: Prof. Claudio Ruggieri (USP)




    As you probably know, the 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2020) will be held in Milano, Italy, August 23-28, 2020.


    As usual, the Congress Committee has chosen a selection of topics, covering the broad field of Mechanics, to be the subjects of Thematic Sessions.


    We have been asked to co-chair the Thematic Session SM05 on Fracture Mechanics, and it is thus our pleasant duty to encourage acknowledged experts in this field to contribute to the Congress. Accordingly, we invite you to submit a paper, to be presented in a Lecture Session, occupying a 20-minute slot, including discussion. Your submission, prepared according to the instructions given on the official website should reach the Congress Office no later than 10 January, 2020. You should be aware, however, that the final decision on acceptance rests with the International Papers Committee (IPC) of IUTAM. The IPC will meet in March 2020 to make their decisions on which papers should be accepted. We will provide input to the IPC concerning all papers submitted to our Thematic session, but the final decision rests with them. You will be informed of the decision of the International Papers Committee, and on the assignment of your paper to a session, by April 2020.


    With your wide interests, we recognize that you may receive multiple invitations from different thematic session organizers, but you should be aware that each participant is allowed to make only one presentation; we very much hope that you will submit a paper to the Thematic Session SM05 on Fracture Mechanics so that these sessions can truly represent the state of the art in this field. You are also encouraged to consider bringing post-doctoral scholars and senior graduate students; many National Committees provide financial support for such participation.


    Please respond directly to Chad Landis at landis@utexas.edu



    Click here for more information.




    Curso de verão 2020 – Mecânica dos Sólidos Computacional (Unicamp)

    Fonte: Prof. Josue Labaki (Unicamp)



    O Curso de Verão 2020 – Mecânica dos Sólidos Computacional é um conjunto de quatro cursos oferecidos pela Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica da Unicamp em janeiro e fevereiro de 2020. Todos os cursos são abertos e gratuitos a alunos de pós-graduação e profissionais da indústria.



    Clique aqui para mais informações.