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    Semana de 5 a 11 de julho de 2019





    TUBOTECH 2019 – Credenciamento Disponível

    01 A 03 de Outubro de 2019 – São Paulo Expo, SP

    Fonte: APOIO ABCM



    A principal vitrine e o verdadeiro ponto de encontro das Américas para o setor, a TUBOTECH – Feira Internacional de Tubos, Válvulas, Bombas, Conexões e Componentes, ganhará em 2019 mais um capítulo em sua bem-sucedida trajetória e você já pode garantir a sua credencial gratuita para visitar o evento mais esperado do ano.


    A 10ª edição da Tubotech apresentará as principais inovações e tendências tecnológicas para os segmentos e Tubos, Válvulas, Bombas, Conexões e Componentes.


    Cadastre-se gratuitamente pelo site até o dia 2/08 e receba sua credencial em casa.


    Clique aqui para fazer seu credenciamento.



    ICIPE 20 – First Announcement

    18th to 21st May 2020 – Francavilla al Mare, Italy

    Fonte: Prof. Helcio R.B. Orlande (COPPE/UFRJ)



    On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to inform you that the “10th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (ICIPE 2020)” will be held on May 18-21, 2020, in Francavilla al Mare (Chieti), Italy.


    ICIPE 20 intends to be a global forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in Applied and Fundamental Inverse Analysis. We will also be honoring Professor James V. Beck, for is outstanding contributions to parameter estimation and inverse heat transfer analysis. The abstract deadline is in mid-October 2019, and draft manuscripts will be due in mid-January 2020.


    Click here for more informations.


    Click here for the conference website.





    Oportunidade para Pós-Doutorado na UNICAMP

    Fonte: Prof. Marcelo Castro (UNICAMP)



    O grupo de pesquisa ALFA está com uma vaga aberta de pós-doutorado na área de GARANTIA DE ESCOAMENTO, no Centro de Estudos de Petróleo (CEPETRO/UNICAMP).


    Esta vaga é para trabalhar em projeto em parceria com a Repsol Sinopec Brasil, especificamente com caracterização de amostras de petróleo com nanopartículas e sua influência sobre a deposição de parafinas em tubulações.


    O candidato deve ter formação em Química, Engenharia Química ou Mecânica. É desejável que tenha conhecimentos em Reologia.


    Clique aqui para mais informações.



    The Nusselt-Reynolds Prize – Call for Prenominations

    Fonte: Prof. Gherhardt Ribatski (EESC/USP)



    The Nusselt-Reynolds Prize has been established by the Assembly of World Conferences to commemorate outstanding contributions by Wilhelm Nusselt and Osborne Reynolds as experimentalists, researchers, educators, and authors. As many as three prizes may be bestowed at every World Conference, one in each of the areas of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, or any combination of these.


    The prize shall be bestowed for outstanding scientific and engineering contributions and eminent achievements in the fields of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics through (1) experimental studies and analytical/numerical extension of the measurements, (2) development of experimental techniques, visualization techniques, and/or instrumentation, and/or (3) development of design theory (that needs experimental data) and theory based experimental correlations. These contributions should yield a deeper insight into physical phenomena involved or should yield significant technological advances. In addition to research, the awardee(s) should have made outstanding contributions to the field through teaching, design, or a combination of such activities. The prize is based on achievement through publications or through the application of the science or art. Nationality, age, sex, and society membership shall not be considered when evaluating qualifications of candidates. A candidate must be living at the time of designation as a recipient of the prize.


    The prize consists of a bronze plaque, an engrossed certificate, and an honorarium. The prize is administered by the Prize Board. To facilitate nomination, the nomination procedure is split up into two phases:


    • Prenomination by letter, CV and list of publications
    • Full nomination


    The full nomination will be done for three candidates maximum. The deadline for accepting prenominations for the Prize is November 30th, 2019. The Prize Board will evaluate prenominations until January 31th, 2020. Final nomination packages are due the 31th of May, 2020. The prize will be awarded at the 10th World Conference, ExHFT-10, during May 30th to June 4th, 2021, Rhodes, Greece, where the prize winners will also present plenary lectures on their subjects.


    Nominators can obtain further information from the files attached (“charter”, “instructions for pre-nomination”, “list of previous recipients”, “list of members of the prize board”). They can also obtain these files from the webpage by clicking here.