Semana de 10 a 17 de março 2018
III Fórum de Manufatura
19 e 20 de março de 2018 - Blue Tree Faria Lima – São Paulo
Em sua 3ª edição o Fórum de Manufatura oferece a você a oportunidade única de se reunir com os principais líderes de setores variados da indústria.
Venha debater e discutir informações de alta relevância, compartilhar experiências de sucesso e conhecer modelos de excelência nacionais e internacionais.
A programação, além de várias abordagens sobre manufatura estratégica, tratará de novas tecnologias, do chão de fábrica, da reforma trabalhista, de gestão de mudanças, comunicação, desenvolvimento de lideranças, sustentabilidade, lean manufacturing, excelência operacional, automação e indústria 4.0.
IWSSIP 2108 - 25th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
February 28, 2018 - Maribor, Slovenia
Fonte: Prof. Estevam Barbosa de Las Casas (UFMG)
Due to several requests, the IWSSIP 2018 Program Committee has extended the Call for Papers period until February 28, 2018.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of the Jubilee 25th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing next June 20-22 in Maribor, Slovenia
Thank you to forward to colleagues you think to be interested!
Submission of full papers: January 31, 2018
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2018
Early registration: April 10, 2018
Submission of camera-ready papers: April 15, 2018
Registration deadline: May 20, 2018
Conference: June 20-22, 2018
Mihai Datcu (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, IEEE Fellow)
Yo-Sung Ho (Professor at Gwangju Institute of Science and Tethnology)
Erich Leitgeb (Graz University of Technology, Univ. Professor)
IWSSIP is an international conference on theoretical, experimental and applied signal processing.
IWSSIP brings together researchers and developers from both academia and industry to report on the latest scientific and theoretical advances,
to discuss major issues and to demonstrate state-of-the-art systems.
IWSSIP 2018 will follow the successful events previously held in Budapest, Manchester, Poznan, Zagreb, Bratislava, Maribor, Bucharest, Prague,
Chalkida, Rio de Janeiro, Sarajevo, Vienna, Dubrovnik, and London. As in the previous years, all accepted papers will be submitted to
IEEEXplore and indexed in Web of Science.
Topics include but are not limited to the following:
Signal estimation and detection
Signal enhancement
Design and implementation of signal processing systems WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS
Next generation mobile networks
Wireless sensor network systems
Broadband wireless networks
MIMO and multi-antenna communications
Internet of things
Image and video processing and coding
Motion and tracking
3D vision
Scene analysis
Medical image processing NETWORK
Information and network security
Content delivery networks
DVB and IPTV technologies
Multicast and broadcast for IPTV
Industrial networks
Neural networks and fuzzy systems
Data mining
Evolutionary and genetic algorithms
Support vector machines
Pattern recognition MULTIMEDIA
Multimedia signal processing
Multimedia communications
Multimedia human-machine interface and interaction
Multimedia content processing and content description
Multimedia systems and services
Speech recognition
Speech synthesis
Speaker identification and verification REMOTE SENSING AND RADARS
Synthetic aperture radars
Ground-penetrating radars
Sonars and acoustic emissions
Lidars and applications
Radar design
Call for
Prospective researches on specific scientific area are invited to submit the proposals for IWSSIP 2018 special sessions.
The deadline for proposals is January 31, 2018. The special session papers must be submitted by February 15, 2018.
Special sessions organizer should collect (invite) at least five papers, ensure for on time submission and make pre-review of collected papers.
He is also the chair of his proposed special session at the conference event and is conference fee free. Those, who willing organize special sections on IWSSIP 2018,
please send the special session proposal to special sessions chair prof. Rajko Svečko (
The proposal should include the title of special session, short description, the goal and topics of special session, the name, address and short CV of special session organizer.
Additionally the proposal should include the title of special session papers and abstracts.
Honorary Chair: Žarko Čučej
General Chair: Peter Planinšič
Program chair: Dušan Gleich
Special session chair: Rajko Svečko
Yo-Sung HO, Korea
Aura CONCI, Brazil
We invite corporations, research centers, universities and individuals to become invited to become sponsors of the conference.
It will be a good opportunity to present your enterprise and your expertise to a distinguished audience.
We are looking forward to meet you at conference and a successful cooperation with you!
Peter Planinšič, IWSSIP 2018 General Chair
São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Renewable Energies
July 23 to Aug. 3rd, 2018 - São Paulo state, Brazil
Fonte: Prof. José R. Simões-Moreira (Escola Politecnica da USP)
Dear colleague,
Good morning.
I have the pleasure to announce the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Renewable Energies to occur in São Paulo state, Brazil, between July 23 to Aug. 3rd, 2018.
Prominent researchers will lecture this two-week school. The event is free of any cost to a selection of 100 students around the world. The selected students will have air tickets and staying expenses covered by FAPESP - São Paulo state founding research agency. Online application is available in the website The deadline is April 15th, 2018.
Please, help us divulgating the event in your institution and to your mailing list. We have attached a folder. Feel free, the post it to where last year graduation students, as well as, post-gradution students can have access to.
Thank you in advance for your time and understanding,
Best regards,
ConaEnd & IEV – Congresso Anual de Ensaios Não Destrutivos e Inspeção
Data: 27 a 29 de agosto de 2018– São Paulo/SP
Fonte: Abendi - Associação Brasileira de Ensaios Não Destrutivos e Inspeção
Pelo menos 40 empresas, 200 apresentações técnicas e mil participantes. A nove meses do Congresso Nacional de Ensaios Não Destrutivos e Inspeção (ConaEnd&IEV 2018), e as expectativas já mostram que o evento será um sucesso, quando serão discutidos o temas que impactam na rotina das empresas e dos centros de pesquisas envolvidos com inspeção de equipamentos e prestação de serviços. Na 36ª edição, o encontro, promovido pela Associação Brasileira de Ensaios Não Destrutivos e Inspeção (Abendi), acontece de 27 a 29 de agosto em São Paulo, e têm como pilares o conhecimento e a inovação, as chaves para abrir as portas do desenvolvimento industrial. A seguir, conheça os setores envolvidos com a programação:
- Aeroespacial
- Automotivo
- Construção Civil
- Eletromecânico
- Energia
- Metroferroviário
- Mineração/Cimenteiro
- Naval
- Óleo & Gás
- Papel Celulose
- Petróleo/ Petroquímico
- Qualidade e Gestão
- Segurança
- Siderurgia/Metalurgia
O objetivo central é apresentar as últimas tecnologias de inspeção. Na oportunidade, o ConaEnd&IEV também abre espaço para quatro eventos paralelos: Campeonato de END e Inspeção, 4º Encontro Anual Abendi sobre Certificação de Competências Pessoais em Atmosferas Explosivas, Reunião ISO TC 135 e o encontro internacional NDT Aeroespace, uma parceria entre a Abendi e a Associação Americana de Ensaios Não Destrutivos (ASNT).
Vale lembrar que os interessados em apresentar trabalhos técnicos no evento têm até o dia 28 de fevereiro para fazer a inscrição. Trata-se de uma chance de defender ideias, somar esforços e colaborar com o desenvolvimento do país. Além disso, os trabalhos selecionados ficam disponíveis no acervo do ConaEnd&IEV, são publicados na Revista Abendi e ainda valem pontos para fins de recertificação, pelo sistema de crédito estruturado.
Sobre a Abendi – Voltada à difusão das atividades de Inspeção e Ensaios Não Destrutivos (ENDs), preservando a vida e o meio ambiente, a Abendi mantém parcerias com entidades e empresas para disseminar o uso de ENDs, técnicas indispensáveis na inspeção de materiais e equipamentos sem danificá-los, sendo executadas nas etapas de fabricação, construção, montagem e manutenção.
A Abendi também é acreditada pelo Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia (Inmetro), do Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior, como Organismo de Certificação de Pessoal – OPC-002, conforme a Norma ISO 17024, para a qualificação e certificação de pessoal em END, baseada nos critérios da Norma ISO 9712. Credenciada, desde 2003, pela Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) como Organismo de Normalização Setorial (ONS-58), para a elaboração de normas de END; e pela Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) como instituição de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento P&D, nas áreas de interesse da indústria petrolífera e também é acreditada pela ANP desde 2013 como Certificadora de Conteúdo Local.
A associação ainda é reconhecida como Entidade Tecnológica Setorial (ETS), pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, para a gestão tecnológica na área de END. Desde 2006, é qualificada como Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (OSCIP), pelo Ministério da Justiça, que possibilita receber doações de empresas, dedutíveis do lucro operacional; desenvolver projetos do interesse do setor público; ações de formação e capacitação de pessoas; e a chance de receber bens apreendidos, abandonados ou disponíveis, administrados pela secretaria da Receita Federal.
Além disso, também possui acordos e convênios de cooperação técnica com instituições brasileiras e internacionais, como o BAM – Instituto de Materiais da Alemanha.
HiFiLeD - First Announcement of the "High-Fidelity Industrial LES/DNS Symposium"
14-16 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium
Fonte: Prof. Oscar Rodriguez(USP)
HiFiLeD Symposium objectives
The simulation of turbulent flows using CFD methods has progressed rapidly over the last decades and has given rise to significant changes in the design processes of many areas of fluid mechanics. However, despite over a century of research, the modelling of turbulence and transition in industrial relevant configurations is still far from being achieved successfully.
With the advent and growing availability of large scale computing power and facilities, a new area of turbulence research is opening with the ability to perform reliable high-fidelity large-eddy simulations (LES) and direct numerical simulations (DNS) for industrial relevant flow configurations.
This availability is opening exciting new avenues towards understanding and modeling turbulence and transition by:
1. Direct generation of HiFiLeD to fully predict complex flows, by capturing most or all of the relevant turbulent scales and interactions
2. Analyzing in depth the underlying physics, supported in particular by new technologies of Machine Learning
3. Confronting available turbulence and transition models, identifying their deficiencies, improving the range of validity of current models and generate new ones.
This novel approach of High-Fidelity LES/DNS data has attracted many researchers in recent years, stimulated by other emerging areas, as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), providing new efficient methodologies for interrogating and investigating very large data sets.
These topics of turbulence research are the main focus of this new HiFiLeD Symposium
The HiFiLeD Symposium will be focusing on all aspects related to these objectives, ranging from issues concerning the complexity, reliability, accuracy and uncertainties in generating the HiFiLeD data, to their application towards turbulence and transition modelling. It will include progress on the underlying high-order numerical methods (HOMs), innovative approaches for CPU acceleration for LES and DNS, exploitation of massive parallel architectures, efficient post-processing on massive parallel hardware, as well as experimental data. Moreover, the Symposium offers the opportunity to communicate and exchange knowledge for academic researchers, graduate students, industrial engineers, as well as industrial R&D managers and consultants working in the fields of turbulent flow modelling, simulations, measurements and multidisciplinary CFD applications.
Call for Contributions
Contributions by participants are expected on the following topics, either as presentation, or as organizer of a Mini-Symposium:
• Understanding Turbulence and Transition from HiFiLeD
• Understanding Turbulence and Transition from new experimental data
• Advances in Turbulence and Transition modelling, based on LES/DNS databases
• Machine Learning applications to LES/DNS analysis and modelling
• New LES/DNS data for reference configurations
• Applications of high fidelity LES/DNS to industrial configurations
• Algorithmic and modelling issues for LES simulations, including Wall Modelled
• Advances in high-order methods, including curved grid generation
• HPC related issues on multiple platforms (CPU/GPU)
Abstract submission
An abstract (1-2 page(s) max.) is requested with the deadline being 30 June 2018.
Acceptance to present will be notified by end of August 2018.
Keynote speakers
Karthik Duraisamy, University of Michigan, USA: Machine Learning for Turbulence Modelling: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities for Future Research
Philippe Spalart, Boeing, USA: How does knowledge from DNS enter RANS models?
Maria Vittoria Salvetti, Univ. Pisa, Italy: Assessment of accuracy and reliability of LES for complex applications: deterministic vs. stochastic approaches
Paul Tucker, Univ. Cambridge, UK: Challenges and requirements of eddy resolving simulations in turbomachinery
Mujeeb R. Malik, NASA, USA: WRLES and WMLES of RCA Standard Test Cases
Location: Belgium, Brussels, Thon Hotel EU
Hotel and travel information are available on the Symposium web site; see below.
Date: 14th to 16th November 2018
Symposium fee:
The symposium fee is 450€ - and will contain a booklet-of-abstracts, coffee breaks, lunches and a symposium dinner.
For Students and TILDA partners a reduced fee of 350€ applies.
Registration to the symposium can be carried out via the HiFiLeD Symposium
web site: - or by scanning the QR-Code
For further information, please contact the Local Organising Committee members
Charles Hirsch, and Werner Haase, .
Scientific Committee
R. Baier (MTU), F. Bassi (Univ. Bergamo), S. Bosniakov (TsAGI), J.F. Boussuge (CERFACS), F. Chalot (Dassault Aviation), A. Colombo (Univ. Bergamo), V. Couaillier (ONERA), M. de la Llave Plata (ONERA), R. Hartmann (DLR), C. Hirsch (NUMECA), H.T. Huynh (NASA), W. Haase (whac), K. Hillewaert (CENAERO), M.R. Malik (NASA), F. Menter (ANSYS), S. Mouriaux (SAFRAN), C.R. Rumsey (NASA), J.F. Remacle (Univ. Louvain) , P. Spalart (Boeing), M. Strelets (NTS), L. Tourette (Airbus), J.W. van der Burg (Airbus), A. Wolkov (TsAGI)
IWCIA 18 – XIX International Meetings on Combinatorial Image Analysis
November 22-24, 2018 - Porto, Portugal
Fonte: Prof. João Manuel R. S. Tavares (FEUP)
Dear Colleague,
I am pleased to announce IWCIA'18 -, which is going to be held in Porto, Portugal, in November 22-24, 2018.
IWCIA'18 is the nineteenth of a series of international meetings on combinatorial image analysis. Image analysis is a scientific discipline providing theoretical foundations and methods for solving problems appearing in a wide range of areas, as diverse as medicine, robotics, defense, and security. As a rule, the processed data are discrete; therefore, the "discrete approach" to image analysis appears to be a natural one and has an increasing importance. It is based on studying combinatorial properties of the considered digital data sets.
Combinatorial image analysis often features various advantages (in terms of efficiency and accuracy) over the more traditional approaches based on continuous models requiring numeric computation.
The scientific program of the workshop consists of keynote talks, contributed papers, and posters.
The Workshop is a forum for current research on the following (or similar) research subjects which are directly or potentially applicable to image analysis:
- Combinatorial problems in the discrete plane and space; Lattice polygons and polytopes
- Digital/combinatorial geometry and topology
- Digital manifolds; Geometry of digital curves and surfaces
- Analysis and processing of digital surfaces with singularities (such as "pinched digital surfaces")
- Homotopy of digital manifolds; Thinning algorithms and skeletons
- Boundary tracking of digital solids; Geometric characteristics of object boundaries
- Multigrid convergence analysis of metric-based descriptors
- Tilings and patterns; Combinatorial pattern matching
- Computational geometry and imaging sciences
- Integer programming, linear programming, and graph theoretic models and approaches to problems of image analysis
- Image representation, segmentation, grouping, and reconstruction
- Processing "very large" digital pictures; Methods for image compression
- Parallel architectures and algorithms
- Fuzzy and stochastic image analysis
- Discrete tomography
- Grammars and models for image or scene analysis and recognition; Cellular automata
- Mathematical morphology and image analysis
- Applications in medical imaging, biometrics, computer vision, image understanding, robotics, metrology, and others
Full paper submission due - June 1, 2018
Notification of acceptance - July 15, 2018
Final camera-ready papers - August 15, 2018
Workshop dates - November 22-24, 2018, Porto, Portugal
The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer's "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" series (pending approval).
The submitted papers are expected to meet high standards satisfying serious evaluation criteria. Each paper will be reviewed thoroughly by at least two members of the Program Committee. Double-blind review process will be applied to ensure maximal objectiveness.
After the Workshop, the authors can submit extended versions of their works for publication in special journal issues. A thematic special issue of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization (Taylor & Francis) has already been arranged.
Looking forward to meet you in Porto, next November,
João Manuel R.S. Tavares - Universidade do Porto, Portugal
(General Chair IWCIA'18)
Call for proposals for IUTAM Symposia and IUTAM Summer Schools 2020/2021
Fonte: Prof. Atila Freire (COPPE/UFRJ)
The form for submitting proposals for IUTAM Symposia and IUTAM Summer Schools for the years 2020 and 2021 can be accessed here. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2018.
Before submitting a proposal, please read the section “Symposia & Summer Schools” on this website. In particular, the Overview of IUTAM Symposia and Summer Schools provides some general information.
More details about IUTAM Symposia are presented in the Scope and Format of IUTAM Symposia. The prospective Chairpersons of IUTAM Symposia 2020/2021 are encouraged to read also the Rules and Guidelines for Chairmen of Scientific Committees of IUTAM Symposia.
There are currently no specific rules and guidelines for Chairmen of IUTAM Summer Schools.
Informe Robótica
Fonte: Prof. Dr. Rogério Sales Gonçalves (UFU)Caros,
Estamos fazendo algumas ações para o fortalecimento e integração das comunidades científicas que trabalham com Robótica no Brasil.
Um dos objetivos é realizar uma integração maior entre as sociedades que possuem pesquisadores/professores trabalhando com Robótica como a ABCM; SBA; SBC; IEEE entre outras.
Entre as ações em andamento temos o mapeamento da comunidade de robótica no Brasil.
Contamos com a ajuda de vocês para ampliar as pessoas que possam colaborar com esse mapeamento. O link a seguir permite a inserção dos pesquisadores/professores.
Por favor, preencher os dados como: Nome do laboratório e site; pesquisadores/professores; bolsistas de produtividade. A única restrição é ter uma conta no GOOGLE-compatível para poder editar.
Além disto, temos uma lista:
Por favor, enviar email para ( que estaremos acrescentando os interessados na lista de discussão.
Entre as ações pretendidas está a retomada do CA-Robótica junto ao CNPq e como aproximar estas comunidades científicas.