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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 003/10 – EMI 2010

    Fonte: Prof . José Manuel Balthazar (UNESP/FEG)

    EMI 2010 (Engineering Mechanics Institute 2010), Los Angeles, CA, USA August 8-11, 2010

    This conference provides a major forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of recent developments in all mechanics and materials research fields ( http://viterbi.usc.edu/admission/ professionalprograms/emi2010/ ).

    The symposium organized by us is:


    The aim of this symposium is to gather specialists of different areas working on the analysis of nonlinear dynamics and stability of lumped and continuous systems with emphasis on structures and mechanical systems employing advanced materials. In recent years a large amount of research has been dedicated to new materials and their use in new structural components. Among new materials, functionally graded materials and other composites, shape memory alloys, magneto rheological materials, dielectric elastomers, polymers and thin-films have shown great potential for applications in all engineering fields.

    So, research has been conducted in applications of these materials from micro and nano structures to large space structures. These structures are usually rather slender leading to an eminently non-linear behavior, including new types of nonlinearities and forces.

    So, the analysis of their nonlinear oscillations and instabilities under static and dynamic loads has become an important and growing area in applied mechanics.

    Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, material and structural instabilities, nonlinear bifurcations, use o new materials in control, nano and micro structures, bioengineering applications, large spatial structures, new materials for structures in hazardous environments, global bifurcations, evolution, erosion and stratification of basins of attraction, influence of global bifurcations on the integrity of structural systems, basin boundary topology, multi-well system, dynamic instability, random bifurcations and basins of attraction, reduced-order modeling and its application in global dynamics, numerical methods for the analysis of global bifurcations, influence of global dynamics on control,including control of chaos and modern asymptotic methods in global dynamics.

    Papers are solicited in all areas related to theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of the problem.

    Important Dates

    Abstract submissions open: December 10, 2009
    Abstract submissions deadline: May 1, 2010
    Abstract acceptance notification deadline: June 15, 2010 Symposium Organizers

    Prof. Dr.José Manoel Balthazar. UNESP-Univ Estadual Paulista , Rio Claro, SP, Brasil. jmbaltha@rc.unesp.br
    Prof. Dr. Paulo Batista Goncalves. PUC-Rio, RJ, Brazil. paulo@puc-rio.br
    Prof. Dr. Romesh Batra. ESM Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. rbatra@vt.edu