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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 033/07 – Seventh European Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN 2008

    The European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD), is pleased to announce that the Seventh European Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN 2008 will be held at Southampton University, United Kingdom between 7-9 July 2008. The six previous conferences in the series were held in Bochum (1990), Trondheim (1993), Florence (1996), Prague (1999), Munich (2002) and Paris (2005).

    This conference is devoted to theoretical, numerical and experimental developments in structural dynamics and their application to all types of structures and dynamical systems. The conference will reflect the state-of-the-art of structural dynamics and dynamical systems in science and engineering practice and is an opportunity to exchange scientific, technical and experimental ideas.

    Objectives of the Conference

    The Conference aims to bring together researchers and practicing engineers from different branches of engineering to discuss recent advances in theoretical and experimental techniques for solving problems in structural dynamics and dynamical systems.

    Who should attend

    Research workers and engineers involved in any area of structural dynamics and dynamical systems.

    Conference themes

    Papers are invited in any area of structural dynamics and dynamical systems. Potential session titles are:

    Active vibration control and smart structures
    Aero-elastic phenomena

    Analytical methods

    Bridge dynamics
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics
    Dynamics of modern materials
    Earthquake engineering

    Energy methods
    Experimental techniques

    Fluid- structure interaction

    Human induced vibration

    Impulse loading and impact dynamics
    Modal analysis and structural modification
    Nonlinear vibrations
    Numerical methods

    Dynamics of offshore structures

    Railway induced vibration
    Self-excited vibrations

    Stochastic dynamics and random vibrations
    Structural health monitoring
    System identification and inverse problems
    Uncertain dynamical systems

    Vehicle dynamics

    Wind engineering