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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 131/08 – ICCM-17 17th International Conference on Composite Materials

    27 Jul 2009 – 31 Jul 2009, Edinburgh International Convention Centre (EICC), Edinburgh, UK

    Conference Webpages (abstract deadline 31 October 2008)

    This Conference will follow the pre-eminent tradition of the ICCM Conferences which are the world’s leading Composites Conference series. Internationally renowned composite scientists, engineers and designers from all over the globe continue to attend the ICCM series to present their frontier research findings and to keep up to date with latest achievements and developments in this very fast moving and high technology based field.

    More details

    Excl. VAT
    Members and Students
    Link for more information

    The Programme will be available here in February 2009.

    Event Location
    Edinburgh International Convention Centre (EICC)
    The Exchange
    EH3 8EE

    Organiser details
    IOM Communications Ltd
    Contact Name:
    Debbie Keogh
    Organiser Phone:
    +44 (0)1689 897228

    Tsai Best Student Paper Award

    An award will be given for the best student paper at ICCM-17. Both Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible, provided that they are enrolled at university at the time of submitting their abstract and are the first author and presenter of the paper.

    Students may be nominated by their advisors or themselves using the form.

    The deadline for applications is the same as the full paper submission deadline. Papers are submitted in the normal way.

    Two regional finalists will be selected from each of the three ICCM world regions and invited to present their papers in a special ‘Tsai Best Student Paper Session’ in Edinburgh. The winner will be presented with the award and $200 at the conference.

    The selection will be based on both the quality of the paper and the presentation.

    Selection Guidelines:
    The technical merit of the work is the most important. The papers will be judged on the clarity and conciseness of the statement of the approaches, procedures, and methodologies for achieving these objectives.

    A summary of important conclusions should be included, and these should be substantiated. The significance of the findings, how they contribute to the state of the art, and how they relate to the work of other investigators should be easily determined from the writing.

    Effective use of tables and figures, and ease of understanding them, including units, dimensions, legends, labels, symbol and line types and colours etc will be considered.

    Presentation quality includes clarity, organisation, audio-visual quality, and timing.

    Entry Form:
    The entry form can be downloaded using the link below. Please complete the form, save to your computer and upload it to the online abstract management system along with your abstract.

    Download form.